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Die Rolle assoziativer Prozesse bei der evaluativen Konditionierung von Einstellungen

Subject Area Social Psychology, Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Term from 1999 to 2009
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5186992
Final Report Year 2009

Final Report Abstract

No abstract available


  • (2002). Guilty by mere association: Evaluative conditioning and the spreading attitude effect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 919- 934
    Walther, E.
  • (2003). I like her, because I like myself. Selfevaluation as a source of Interpersonal attitudes. Experimental Psychology, 50, 239-246
    Walther, E., & Trasselli, C.
  • (2004). Why sad people like shoes better: The Influence of mood on the evaluative conditioning of consumer attitudes. Psychology & Marketing, 21 , 755-773
    Walther, E., & Grigoriadis, S.
  • (2005). Evaluative conditioning in social psychology: Facts and speculations. Cognition and Emotion, 19, 175-196
    Walther, E., Nagensgast, B., & Trasselll, C.
  • (2006). Evaluative conditioning and the awareness issue: Assessing contingency awareness with the four-picture recognition test. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavioral Processes, 32, 454-459
    Walther, E., & Nagengast, B.
  • (2008). Attitude formation and change through association: An evaluative conditioning account. In R. Prislin & W. B. Crano (Eds.), Attitudes and Attitude Change (pp. 87-109). New York: Psychology Press
    Walther, E., & Langer, T.
  • Changing likes and dislikes through the back door: The US-revaluation effect. Cognition and Emotion
    Walther, E., Gawronski, B., Blank, H., & Langer, L.
  • When linking is stronger than thinking: Associative transfer of valence disrupts the emergence of cognitive balance after attitude change
    Langer, T., Walther, E., Gawronski, B. & Blank, H.

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