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Klonierung, biochemische und funktionelle Charakterisierung eines neuen, T-Zell-spezifischen Zelloberflächenmoleküls (8F4)

Subject Area Immunologie
Term from 1997 to 2009
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5099016
Final Report Year 2009

Final Report Abstract

No abstract available


  • Induction, binding specificity and function of human ICOS. European Journal of Immunology 30 (2000) 3707 - 3717
    Beier KC, Hutloff A, Dittrich AM, Heuck C, Rauch A, Büchner K, Ludewig B, Ochs HD, Mages HW, Kroczek RA
  • Molecular cloning and characterization of murine ICOS and identification of B7h as ICOS ligand. European Journal of Immunology 30 (2000) 1040-1047
    Mages HW, Hutloff A, Heuck C, Büchner K, Himmelbauer H, Oliveri F, Kroczek RA
  • Expression of ICOS in vivo defines CD4+ effector T cells with high inflammatory potential and a strong bias for secretion of interleukin 10. Journal of Experimental Medicine 197 (2003) 181-193
    Löhning M, Hutloff A, Kallinich T, Mages HW, Bonhagen K, Radbruch A, Hamelmann E, Kroczek RA
  • Homozygous loss of ICOS is associated with adult-onset common variable immunodeficiency. Immunology 4 (2003) 261-268
    Grimbacher B, Hutloff A, Schlesier M, Glocker E, Warnatz K, Dräger R, Elbel H, Fischer B, Schäffer AA, Mages HW, Peter HH, Kroczek RA
  • Emerging paradigms of T-cell co-stimulation. Current Opinion in Immunology 16 (2004) 321-327
    Kroczek RA, Mages HW, Hutloff A
  • Inducible costimulator-positive T cells are required for allergen-induced local B-cell infiltration and antigen-specific IgE production in lung tissue. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 114 (2004) 775-782
    Beier KC, Hutloff A, Löhning M, Kallinich T, Kroczek RA, Hamelmann E
  • T-cell costimulatory molecules: optimal targets for the treatment of allergic airway disease with monoclonal antibodies. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 116 (2005) 906-909
    Kroczek RA, Hamelmann E
  • Eminent role of ICOS costimulation for T cells interacting with plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Immunology 118 (2006) 353-360
    Janke M, Witsch EJ, Mages HW, Hutloff A, Kroczek RA
  • ICOS controls the pool size of effector-memory and regulatory T cells. Journal of Immunology 180 (2008) 774-782
    Burmeister Y, Lischke T, Dahler AC, Mages HW, Lam KP, Coyle AJ, Kroczek RA, Hutloff A

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