SFB 1604:
Production of Migration
Subject Area
Social and Behavioural Sciences
since 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 501120656
The Collaborative Research Center (SFB) aims to change the way we look at migration. It assumes that migration is the product of a societal production process, which in turn fundamentally changes societies. Using concrete empirical constellations, the SFB investigates how individual, collective and institutional actors in different contexts practice, process and charge migration with meaning. This production of migration is understood as a dynamic negotiation: In a contested process marked by power asymmetries, migration is (de)thematized, (de)problematized, and linked to other societal developments. By this, the production of migration not only creates, stabilizes or changes physical movements of people, but also social orders and knowledge systems. The shared research questions of the interdisciplinary consortium are: 1) How and with which meanings is migration produced? Who is involved in which ways and with which interests, resources, instruments and practices? 2) How and why does the societal approach to migration change? 3) How does the production of migration influence perceptions? And what consequences does it have for social structures and processes of societal change? The production of migration and its meanings is based on categorizations of people, groups and practices. These are condensed into social figures, which in turn can influence processes of negotiation. Project Group A of the SFB is therefore dedicated to the figures of migration and their emergence, reproduction and effectiveness - both on individual and societal levels. The production of migration also requires specific infrastructures that create or restrict options for mobility and belonging. These infrastructures and the actors associated with them are the subject of Project Group B. Moreover, migratory movements always have a spatial dimension. The production of migration, too, creates and uses spaces and spatial imaginations. Project Group C therefore focuses on the spaces of migration. In the SFB, figures, infrastructures and spaces are understood as central media of the production of migration. By examining how migration is conceived, observed and attributed with meaning, and how in this process societal structures of migration are (re-)produced, the SFB conducts migration research as research of the society as a whole. Research and academia are involved in the production of migration, too, and they thus also become an object of study. The long-term goal of the Collaborative Research Centre is therefore to develop a reflexive theory of the social production of migration.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
A01 - The Production of the ›Others‹: (De-)Thematizing Migration-Related Difference
(Project Head
Becker, Julia Christina
A02 - The Production of the Discriminated in Antiracist Movements
(Project Head
El-Mafaalani, Aladin
A03 - »You are guest worker children!« Science, School and the Production of Figures of Migration
(Project Heads
Rass, Christoph A.
Yildirim, Lale
A04 - Fragmented Worlds of Work in the (Post-)Pandemic: The Production of Inequality through Figures of Migrant Workers
(Project Head
Holst, Hajo
A05 - ›Refugees‹ and Others: The Production of Refugee-Related Figures since the 1970s
(Project Heads
Löhr, Ph.D., Isabella
Oltmer, Jochen
B01 - The Production of (Im-)Mobility: The Visa as Border Infrastructure
(Project Head
Groß, Thomas
B02 - The Production of Mobility Options: Migration and Border Management in the Framework of the Eastern Partnership of the European Union
(Project Head
Schneckener, Ulrich
B03 - The Production of Gender-Differentiating Migration Policies
(Project Head
Schwenken, Helen
B04 - Mosques and the Production of Belonging
(Project Head
Ceylan, Rauf
B05 - The multilingual hospital. The Production of Migration through Language as Communicative and Social Infrastructure
(Project Head
Dimroth, Christine
C01 - The Production of Urban Spaces of Migration by Local Administrations and Science
(Project Heads
Oltmer, Jochen
Pott, Andreas
C02 - ›Unmaking Migrants?‹ The Production of the EU’s Internal and External Borders and their Effects in Historical-Postcolonial Perspective
(Project Head
Reinecke, Christiane
C03 - The Production of Spaces of Skilled Migration: Recruitment and Mobility of Physicians
(Project Head
Lang, Christine
C04 - The Production of Climate Flight as an Occasion for Theorisation
(Project Head
Stierl, Maurice
C05 - The Production of Climate Flight as an Occasion for Theorisation
(Project Heads
Pott, Andreas
Scheffer, Thomas
MGK - Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Lang, Christine
Schwenken, Helen
T01 - Reflexive Migration Research in the Museum. Potentials and Perspectives of Virtual Realities
(Project Heads
Becker, Julia Christina
El-Mafaalani, Aladin
Rass, Christoph A.
Yildirim, Lale
Z - Central Task
(Project Head
Pott, Andreas