Project Details
X-ray imaging device
Subject Area
Funded in 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 495154753
The proposal aims at providing an X-ray imaging device for medical physics research at the Chair of Medical Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. The need emerges from several activities related to the development of innovative imaging and image processing modalities, dedicated detector development, investigation of advanced imaging for motion management in external beam therapy with available motion phantoms. As the relevance of such activities is expanding in our Chair, access to X-ray imaging devices at collaborating clinical institutions is currently a limiting factor for experimental phantom measurements. This is due to the need of scheduling measurements compatibly with clinical activities, which have an intrinsically higher priority, and clinical personnel availability. Key specifications of the requested device are as follows: (i) X-ray imaging in the range 40 keV up to 150 keV, (ii) ability to perform fast kV switching to enable sequential dual energy imaging (minimum frame rate 30 frames per second), (iii) large area detector (minimum 30 x 40 cm pixel area, pixel size < 200 µm) compatible with medical imaging standards, (iv) ability to perform 2D planar and 3D cone beam CT (CBCT) imaging by rotating the phantom and/or the X-ray tube and detector. In order to enable 3D CBCT acquisition, synchronization of image acquisition with relative rotation of the phantom support vs. the X-ray tube/detector is required. The device is meant to be operated in a lab environment with non-exclusive use, i.e. in a shielded cabin (minimum 2 x 2 square meters) providing adequate radiation protection. Remote operation of the device is therefore an additional key requirement.
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
Instrumentation Group
3200 Röntgendiagnostikgeräte (außer Angiographie 321 und Tomographie 323)
Applicant Institution
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München