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Open Access Publication Costs / 2025 - 2027 / Universität Braunschweig

Applicant Robert Strötgen
Term since 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 491546693
With the present continuation application for the funding programme "Open Access Publication Costs", TU Braunschweig is pursuing the goal of consistently expanding the existing structures and services for publication funding focusing on the development of a publication-related cost monitoring, in which decentralized costs are also recorded. This serves two goals: on the one hand, the development of a cost-sharing model for Open Access publications and, on the other hand, the strategy of TU Braunschweig to develop a concept for a comprehensive information budget based on this. A broad-based initial mapping of central and decentralized media, publication and financing structures serves to determine the publication behavior and the specific publication requirements of the scientists as well as further publication-related costs in the administrative areas and other central units of the TU Braunschweig. The information collected will be used to further develop the existing infrastructures for publication cost monitoring (CODA) at the University Library in such a way that these decentralized costs can also be recorded. The mapping and subsequent expansion of CODA will also create a data-based, analysable basis for a participation model for open access publication costs, which is being developed in close consultation with the faculties at TU Braunschweig. These measures are flanked by extensive networking and public relations work by the University Library for Open Access publishing. Proven formats will be continued and additional formats such as an open science podcast will be tested and evaluated in close cooperation with the scientists. Developments that are identified as part of TU9 or beyond and prove to be complementary to the University Library's service portfolio will be adapted where possible. Involvement in collaborative Diamond Open Access infrastructures will be further expanded. The University Library is developing a concept for a comprehensive information budget based on the model of Forschungszentrum Jülich for the implementation of real and virtual information budgets in order to take publication-associated costs into account that cannot be recorded and mapped via publication cost monitoring. A central administration of all recorded costs and budgets is not planned, but rather a systematized, decentralized and cooperative administration of costs and budgets is aimed at.
DFG Programme Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)

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