Project Details
Open Access Publication Funding / 2025-2027/ Chemnitz University of Technology
Angela Malz
since 2022
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 491193532
The main objective of the project consists on the transformation towards Open Access. Regarding the substantial changes withinacademic publishing, Chemnitz University Library is recognized as reliable and competent contact partner by adherents of ChemnitzUniversity of Technology. Subsequent to the change towards publication-based accounting models, the specific current challenge nowconsists on the assurance of sustainability of the publication funding. The self-defined expectation of Chemnitz UniversityLibrary to not reject eligible applications for funding requires reliable estimations and business models. This applies toarticles, monographs and other kinds of documents.It is important to make use of all manners of Open Access. In equivalence to commercial cost-intensive conditions for Open Access,existing opportunities in the field of Diamond Open Access will be enhanced. The same like before, it has to be acted in aresponsible and resource-efficient way. It is of crucial interest to know and make use of existing internal and externalcapacities. A focus will be put on the rule-compliant integration of the funding reference in the publications and the assessmentof the quality of the metadata related to publications. The projected new infrastructures provide the opportunity to registerfunding references and publication costs in a more standardized and sophisticated way. On its path towards an information budget,Chemnitz University Library strives to collect data and knowledge also with regard to decentralized revenues of ChemnitzUniversity of Technology.Chemnitz University Library is in close contact with the University Management regarding the changes within the assessment ofscience. Within the evaluation of research performances, qualitative content-related aspects should be more taken into account.
DFG Programme
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)