Project Details
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Airborne in-situ characterisation of the microphysical and optical properties of small ice crystals and large hydrometeors (AMOSIL): HALO implementation and analysis methodology

Subject Area Atmospheric Science
Term from 2007 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 47592118
Final Report Year 2017

Final Report Abstract

Knowledge or impact gained through the AMOSIL funding includes (a) a successful new holographic instrument (HALOHOLO) that has flown in several field campaigns, and the software to process holograms on supercomputers and software to search through the resulting reconstructed data to get useful science out of the measurements, (b) a unique cloud particle imager/polar nephelometer (PHIPS-HALO) that has been certified and flown on HALO and on several other aircrafts with automated software for the particle image analysis and image-to-scattering function assignment to investigate the fundamental link between the ice particle microphysical and corresponding angular light scattering properties, (c) a SID-3 instrument certified for HALO with automated scattering pattern analysis to gain important information on the structural details of small ice particles that are not accessible by other probes. TV documentary Planet E.: Abenteuer Wolkenforschung, 23 November 2014 on ZDF ( Deutsche Welle, and Phoenix: English translation of the ZDF Planet E program “Abenteuer Wolkenforschung”, broadcast by DW workldwide several times in 2015.



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