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Development, characterization and application of nanoprobes for advanced FLIM studies of synthetic and cellular hydrogels (A04)

Subject Area Biophysics
Term since 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 431232613
In muco-obstructive diseases, the mucus layer on airway epithelial cells has an abnormally high viscosity. Using fluorescent molecular rotor (FMR) probes on samples from human donors, we observed a remarkable spatial heterogeneity of viscosity. Now, we are developing FMRs based on multi-boronated peptides that exhibit high affinity for glycans of the mucus layer and the glycocalyx. Investigations using synthetic hydrogels will dissect the impact of hydrogel rheology, mesh size, and the presence of biomacromolecules on FMR photodynamics. FLIM and ratiometric FMR probes will visualize changes in viscosity during disease and therapeutic intervention.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres
Applicant Institution Freie Universität Berlin
Project Heads Dr. Stephan Block, since 1/2024; Professor Dr. Oliver Seitz

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