Project Details
High Dynamic High Temperature Press (HHP)
Subject Area
Mechanics and Constructive Mechanical Engineering
Funded in 2020
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 453677296
Lightweight construction with continuous fiber-reinforced thermoplastics offers several advantages over thermoset-based fiber composite construction methods and leads to a considerable reduction of the cycle time in the manufacture of components by use of compression molding. The temperature limits for the use of such components are generally determined by the properties of the matrix material, so that only so called high temperature thermoplastics can be used for high-performance components with long term use of over 150 °C. The production and processing of thermoplastic high temperature materials in the pressing process is extremely demanding and cannot be carried out with the applicant's existing equipment, as their working temperature range is currently limited to 220 °C. In addition, none of the existing machines has sufficiently powerful, separately controllable heating and cooling technology for processing high temperature plastics for processing high-temperature plastics.The High Dynamic High Temperature Press (HHP) applied for represents a replacement for an existing press (Joos HP-S40) which can no longer be used due to technical and safety factors. HHP not only takes over the range of tasks of the old unit, but also greatly expands it with regard to numerous technological features that go beyond the basic equipment of conventional hydraulic presses.For the use of thermoplastic high temperature materials, heating and cooling up to 420 °C using thermal oil and the necessary control points in the press room are required. The use of other temperature control concepts is not technically feasible in this temperature range. Due to the material and component requirements in the sector spectrum for high-performance components, a design with improved plane parallelism and lateral offset, which can be achieved by means of hydraulic parallel control as well as a heavily stressed torsionless steel construction, is essential.Basic work focuses on the determination of forming forces, flow behavior and fiber wetting as well as on the determination of mechanical parameters of novel material combinations. In addition to the research projects, the press to be replaced is decisive for the implementation of courses, in particular for internships. The resulting main research areas as well as own research in the context of dissertations are indispensable for the applicants. These include, for example, the development of novel material combinations for lightweight structures in compression molding, the characterization of multi-material composite structures, the design of process chains for the production of continuous fiber-reinforced thermoplastic structural components and the investigation of continuous fiber-reinforced GMT structures with regard to load transfer between random fiber and continuous fiber.
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
Hochdynamische Hochtemperaturpresse (HHP)
Instrumentation Group
2210 Kunststoffpressen und -spritzgußgeräte
Applicant Institution
Technische Universität Chemnitz