Project Details
Coordination Funds
Professor Dr. Dominik Begerow
Subject Area
Evolution and Systematics of Plants and Fungi
from 2020 to 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 447193113
During its first 3-year period, the DFG priority programme ('Schwerpunktprogramm') in 'Taxon-Omics' consisted of 27 projects and 38 PIs. It was coordinated by the speaker Prof. Susanne Renner and the steering committee. There are several parameters to document the success of the SPP such as publications, invited talks, completed theses or documented collaborations. However, the participation at the seven workshops organized during the funding period was overwhelmingly high as each doctoral student or postdoc participated at least three workshops on average. The annual meetings contributed not only the progress of the research area but accelerated various methodological advancements through the collaboration of participants. The proposal of the coordination project for the second funding period of the SPP evaluates the effectiveness of the various measures and propose the continuation of the successful activities. Thus, annual meetings, different workshops and lab exchange will be continued. In addition, we propose some changes and new measures to improve the overall performance of the priority programme. We will intensify our efforts with respect to gender equity and diversity in science. A workshop focusing on awareness of 'Unconscious Bias in Science' and LGBT+ diversity in academia will be part of one annual meeting. Finally, special emphasis will be made on the outreach to support not only research in the field of systematics and taxonomy but to support dissemination of modern taxonomy into other disciplines and into the general public with adequate media such as short films.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes