Project Details
Umbrella Proposal for the HALO-(AC)³ Mission: Arctic Air-Mass Transformations During Warm Air Intrusions and Marine Cold Air Outbreaks
Professor Dr. Manfred Wendisch
Subject Area
Atmospheric Science
from 2020 to 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 442647689
So far, observations of air-mass transformations in the Arctic have mostly been conducted from a fixed local position. Only few aircraft-based samplings of air-mass properties over a limited regional area have been reported. This Eulerian point of view does not permit the observations of air-mass modifying processes along their meridional pathway, which are required for model validations. Therefore, we propose a quasi-Lagrange approach following air-masses to and from the Arctic to observe the air-mass transformation processes during warm air intrusions and cold air outbreaks, whereby we focus on warm air intrusions, which have been observed much less frequently in the past. This quasi-Lagrange approach requires a long-endurance airborne facility, which may carry the necessary equipment for the observations. HALO with its exceptional endurance and high lifting capacity is most suited for these observations.
DFG Programme
Infrastructure Priority Programmes