SPP 2330:
New concepts in prokaryotic virus-host interactions - from single cells to microbial communities
Subject Area
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering
since 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 441953848
Within the Priority Program SPP 2330, a consortium of about 25 groups together with associated members addresses current questions in the field of virus-host interactions in prokaryotes. The scientific goals of this consortium focus on understanding new mechanisms in prokaryotic virus-host interactions at the molecular level and in the context of microbial communities. This includes the identification and mechanistic understanding of new antiviral defense systems and the understanding of their function in the context of the prokaryotic immune system. To achieve this goal, the consortium has already successfully bundled their expertise in the fields of molecular microbiology, bioinformatics, mathematical modeling, imaging techniques, structural biology and biochemistry in the first funding period, thus forming an internationally unique consortium spearheading research in the emerging field of phage biology. The topic is currently particularly relevant as the potential of bacteriophages for the treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and their application in agriculture and food safety is attracting increasing attention. However, a fundamental understanding of the interaction of phages with their host and the underlying mechanisms of their coexistence in microbial communities is of paramount importance for the development of efficient applications. The success of a priority program depends crucially on the creation of suitable framework conditions. Therefore, we are applying for funding for the organization of annual meetings and an international conference (in the third year), the organization of workshops and lectures, the exchange of PhD students, start-up funding for postdocs, gender equality measures and the development of a public relations module. The coordination resources are managed by the coordinator and the scientific committee, who are all supported by the coordination assistant of the priority program.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
International Connection
Belgium, Denmark, Israel, Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland
A dead end trap? - Functions of bacteriophages bound to outer membrane vesicles in host infection and defence
Barbirz, Stefanie
Bröker, Nina
A pseudogene affords quorum sensing-mediated phage defense in Vibrio cholerae
Papenfort, Kai
Bacterial gasdermin as a model system to study ancient immune mechanisms
Wein, Tanita
Characterization of phage-mediated horizontal gene transfer in the human nose
Gerlach, David
Coordination Funds
Frunzke, Julia
Dissecting the vast diversity of anti-retron mechanisms in phage genomes
Typas, Ph.D., Athanasios
“Dynamic and mechanisms of early life interactions between bacteriophage and its bacteria host in the skin”
Gomez de Agüero, Mercedes
Functional dissection of the Bacillus subtilis SPbeta prophage lysogeny-lysis decision system and characterization of a novel SPbeta defense system
Commichau, Fabian M.
Glycocode-guided bacteriophage-host interaction in the evolution of the genus Staphylococcus
Peschel, Andreas
Identity, infection strategy, and biogeochemical impact of nitrifier-infecting viruses
Pester, Michael
Impact of phage microdiversity on marine heterotrophic bacteria – a single cell perspective
Moraru, Ph.D., Cristina
Stryhanyuk, Ph.D., Hryhoriy
Integration of multicellular defense strategies in the context of the bacterial immune system
Frunzke, Julia
Interplay of the phages phi29 and SPP1 with the B. subtilis (p)ppGpp response
Bange, Gert
Interrogating DNA-centric bacterial defenses and phage counter-defenses
Beisel, Chase
It’s sweet to move on – bacteriophage infection and processing of glycan-based biofilms
Barbirz, Stefanie
Mechanisms of bacterial programmed cell death in phage defense: interplay of NAD+ depletion and the effector phospholipase PlaB
Flieger, Antje
Molecular cross-talk between Sa3int phages and their Stapylococcus aureus host
Wolz, Christiane
Molecular insight into viral infection of Methanoarchaea and their respective viruses
Schmitz-Streit, Ruth Anne
Molecular mechanisms of phage-antibiotic interactions and their interplay with phage defense systems
Gontao Brochado, Ph.D., Ana Rita
Molecular mechanisms of virus egress in haloarchaea
Quax, Tessa
Molecular sensing mechanisms of phage infection mediated through the Zorya anti-bacteriophage defense system
Erhardt, Marc
Popp, Philipp
Phage-host cross-talk in the human gut microbiome
Deng, Li
Photosynthesis genes in phage genomes-elucidation of their role in cyanobacteria-phage interaction
Frankenberg-Dinkel, Nicole
Regulation of host protein synthesis by jumbo phage proteins
Vogel, Jörg
Targeted RNAylation of Escherichia coli's Translational Machinery: A Hijacking Strategy Made by Bacteriophage T4
Höfer, Katharina
The role of m6A-RNA modification to control phage replication
Brameyer, Sophie
Jung, Kirsten
The role of membrane vesicles for archaeal virus-host interactions
Erdmann, Susanne
The role of phage Thanatos ADP-ribosyl-transferases Alt1 and Alt2 in disarming and preparing the host
Thormann, Kai
Understanding the nature of anti-phage defense islands in microbes
Sorek, Ph.D., Rotem
Unravelling the intricate regulation of the expression program of T4-like cyanophages
Lindell, Ph.D., Debbie
Steglich, Claudia
Z-Project - Bacteriophage Repository, Services and Database
Wittmann, Johannes