GRK 1462: Bewertung gekoppelter experimenteller und numerischer Partialmodelle im Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
In der kreativen Bauplanung existiert ein Nebeneinander unterschiedlichster Modelle, die die Prognose der Funktionsfähigkeit, Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit von Tragwerken ermöglichen sollen. Globale Probleme müssen im Ingenieurwesen auf der Basis von Partialmodellen abgebildet werden, da im Allgemeinen die Komplexität für ein einziges, umfassendes Modell gegenwärtig zu groß ist. Es existieren unzählige, häufig komplexe Partialmodelle, die weitgehend isoliert voneinander entwickelt, eingesetzt und teilweise sehr willkürlich gekoppelt werden, um Probleme in der notwendigen Globalität zu beschreiben. Die bei der Modellbildung (Abstraktion) getroffenen Annahmen und Vereinfachungen führen zu Prognoseergebnissen, die nur als idealisierte Beschreibung der Wirklichkeit interpretiert werden dürfen. Die Art der Kopplung der Partialmodelle zu einem Gesamtmodell spielt dabei eine bisher wenig beachtete, jedoch essentielle Rolle. Insgesamt gibt es bisher keine grundlegenden Untersuchungen zur Bewertung der Qualität von (Partial-)Modellen unter Berücksichtigung der Einflüsse aus Modellkopplungen. Das Vertrauen in die Vorhersage eines speziellen Ingenieurmodells ist bisher weitgehend in der Erfahrung des Ingenieurs begründet. Die Bearbeitung der skizzierten Problematik und damit des Themas des GRK 1462 erfolgte in zwei Phasen. Die erste Phase konzentrierte sich auf die Schaffung methodischer Grundlagen zur Bewertung der Qualität von Prognosemodellen des konstruktiven Ingenieurbaus in einer quantifizierbaren Form. Wichtig waren dabei eine Systematisierung von Modelleigenschaften, Synthese- und Analysemethoden sowie das Zusammenspiel von Partial- und Globalmodellen. Wesentliche Modelleigenschaften waren dabei Sensitivität, Robustheit, Komplexität und Unsicherheitsbereiche. Als zukunftsfähige Arbeitsmethoden wurden herausgearbeitet die adaptive, stochastische, inverse und mehrskalige Modellierung. Es wurden evaluierbare Algorithmen zur Verifizierung, Kalibrierung und Validierung von Modellen entwickelt und Methoden für eine Qualitätsabschätzung und Vergleichbarkeit für gekoppelte Modelle getestet. Gleichzeitig erfolgte über den gesamten Projektzeitraum – nicht zuletzt zur beispielhaften Erprobung der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse – die Bearbeitung von Referenzobjekten. Die zweite Phase widmete sich insbesondere der quantitativen Bewertung von Partialmodellen und deren Kopplungen unter der holistischen Berücksichtigung von Unschärfeeffekten. Darüber hinaus erfolgten Untersuchungen zum Zusammenspiel von experimentellen Modellen mit den bis dato betrachteten mathematischen bzw. numerischen Modellen. Im Mittelpunkt standen dabei die Beschreibungen unterschiedlicher Experimentalmodelle, ausgehend vom Experiment an Kleinteilen bis hin zum Monitoring von komplexen Bauwerken. Die Schaffung einer konsistenten Methodik zur Bewertung hybrider, d.h. gekoppelter numerischer und experimenteller, Prognosemodelle des Konstruktiven Ingenieurbaus sowie insbesondere deren Interaktion lieferten interessante Erkenntnisse zur Bewertung der Qualität von Modellaussagen. Es zeigt sich, dass der Qualität der Erfassung (Messung, Übermittlung, Aufzeichnung und Langzeitspeicherung), Systematisierung und Bewertung von Messdaten eine wesentliche Rolle im Prozess einer Modellbewertung zukommt. Eine realitätsbezogene Bewertung der Aussagefähigkeit und -qualität von globalen Modellen, die auf einer Kopplung von Partialmodellen basieren, ist demzufolge nur über die Anwendung hybrider Modelle möglich. Die Definition von Qualität bzw. Qualitätsansprüchen bedarf, auch bei objektiven Randbedingungen und Systemgrenzen, subjektiver Zieldefinitionen. Deshalb ist die Einführung einer generalisierten Methode zur Bewertung von Ingenieurmodellen nur bedingt möglich. Qualität kann lediglich als bewertete Quantität, die objektiv darstellbar ist, verstanden werden. Unter diesem Postulat sind zur Festlegung von standardisierten Zuverlässigkeitskriterien bzw. konstruktiven Regeln in den meisten Fällen umfängliche wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen speziell zur Modellkopplung und den Partialmodellen notwendig. Die Qualität der globalen Modelle wird in den kommenden Jahren einen erheblichen Wandel erleben, zumal zukünftige Möglichkeiten in der Modellbildung komplexere Systeme, Bauteile und Baustrukturen ermöglichen werden. In diesem Zusammenhang erfährt die Evaluierung der Wechselwirkung von partiellen Modellen eine zunehmende Bedeutung.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
An adaptive response surface approach for reliability analyses of discontinuous limit state functions, 6th International Probabilistic Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, November 2008
Most, T.
Building monitoring for seismic risk assessment (I): Instrumentation of RC frame structures as a part of the SERAMAR project. In Proceedings 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 12-17 October 2008, Abstract ID: 09-01-0140, Beijing, China
Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J., Lang, D.H., Leipold, M., Golbs, Ch., Genes, M.C., Bikçe, M., Kaçin, S., Gülkan, P.
Anwendung der numerischen Simulation zur Bestimmung von Gefüge in Schweißverbindungen aus Feinkorn- und Duplex-Stählen, 43. Metallographie-Tagung vom 16-18 September 2009, Aachen
Hildebrand, J., Wudtke, I., Werner, F.
Building typology for risk assessment: case study Antakya (Hatay) - WCCE-ECCE-TCCE Joint Conference Earthquake and Tsunami, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2009
Schwarz, J., Abrahamczyk, L., Langhammer, T., Leipold, M., Genes, M.C., Bikçe, M., Kaçin, S.
Characterization of time-dependent deformations of polymer modified cement concrete (PCC), 18th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2009
Keitel, H., Dimmig-Osburg, A., Zabel, V.
Coupled HM-field system identification - application to water reservoirs, EURO: TUN 2009,2nd Int. Conf. on Computational Methods in Tunnelling, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, September 2009
Lahmer, T.
Coupled HM-field system identification - application to water reservoirs, Int. Conf. on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering COUPLED PROBLEMS 2009, CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain, June 2009
Lahmer, T., Könke, C., Schanz, T.
Coupling patterns in engineering applications, 18th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2009
Fröbel, T.
Dynamic soil-structure interaction models: theory and application, International Conference UACEG2009: Science & Practice, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 2009
Nasser, M., Schwedler, M., Wuttke, F., Könke, C., Schanz, T.
Estimating uncertainties from inaccurate measurement data using maximum entropy distributions, 18th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2009
Most, T.
Estimating uncertainties in maximum entropy distribution parameters from small-sample observations, European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL 2009, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2009
Most, T.
Evaluation of analysis methods for the design of frame structures, 18th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2009
Reuter, M.
Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zum Eigenspannungszustand von Schweißverbindungen höherfester und höchstfesten Feinkornbaustähle. SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2009, Essen, 14-19 September, 2009
Hildebrand, J., Wudtke, I., Werner, F.
Hangbewegung Corvara (Dolomiten, Italien) - Effizienz möglicher Sanierungsmaßnahmen, 24. Christian Veder Kolloquim, Graz, Austria, April 2009
Knabe, T., Schädler, W., Corsini, A., Mair, V., Schanz, T.
Hydro-mechanical coupled field system identification - application to water reservoirs, 18th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2009
Lahmer, T.
Identification of constitutive parameters for geomaterials modeling using an optimization strategy, EURO: TUN 2009, 2nd Int. Conf. on Computational Methods in Tunnelling, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, September 2009
Knabe, T., Zimmerer, M., Most, T., Schanz, T.
Identification of constitutive parameters for geomaterials modeling using optimization strategies, 18th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2009
Knabe, T.
Influence of the abstraction level in kinematical models of finite element formulations, 10th International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS X; Barcelona, Spain, 2009
Nikulla, S., Könke, C., Gürlebeck, K., Most, T.
Influence of the abstraction level in kinematical models of finite element formulations, 18th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2009
Nikulla, S.
Influence of the model creation methodology on the failure probability of gust exposed structures, 7th International Probabilistic Workshop, Delft, Netherlands, November 2009
Bombasaro, E.
Investigation of modeling errors of different random field based wind load formulation, 18th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2009
Bombasaro, E., Bucher, C.
Investigation of parameter influences in wind induced structural reaction analysis due to structural model dimensions changes, European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL 2009, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2009
Bombasaro, E.
Modeling of imprecise distribution functions by uncertain stochastic moments within the maximum entropy formulation, 7th International Probabilistic Workshop, Delft, Netherlands, November 2009
Most, T.
Modelling of material phenomena of steel in constitutive relations in context of welding, 18th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2009
Wudtke, I.
Modelling techniques for RC-frame systems with infills, 18th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2009
Leipold, M.
Models for coupling bridge subsystems, 18th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2009
Karaki, G
NURBS-based elements as a basis for integrating engineering applications, 18th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2009
Stein, P.
NURBS-basierte Finite Elemente als Basis für die Integration von Ingenieuranwendungen, Forum Bauinformatik 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 2009
Stein, P.
Parameter identification for partially saturated soil models, EURO: TUN 2009, 2nd Int. Conf. on Computational Methods in Tunnelling, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, September 2009
Hofmann, M., Most, T., Hofstetter, G.
Seismic response of R/C frames considering dynamic soil-structure interaction, 18th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2009
Nasser, M.
Zur Wirklichkeitsnähe analytischer Schadensprognosen: Auswertung der Schäden des Albstadt-Erdbebens vom 3. September 1978, D-A-CH Tagung 2009: Erdbeben und Mauerwerk, Zurich, Switzerland, September 2009
Schwarz, J., Leipold, M., Kaufmann, Ch., Tulaganov, B.
Crack identification in hydro-mechanical systems with applications to gravity water dams, Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering, 18 (8): 1083-1101, 2010
Lahmer, T.
EURO 2008 stadium Klagenfurt - prediction, monitoring and back calculation of settlement behaviour, Int. Conf. from Research to Design in European Practice, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, June 2010
Adam, D., Schweiger, H.F., Markiewicz, R., Knabe, T.
Formalisation and assessment of data structure based coupling in distributed civil engineering applications, International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering ICCCBE, Nottingham, England, June - July 2010
Fröbel, T., Firmenich, B., Koch, C.
Identification of the parameters of complex constitutive models: Least squares minimization vs. Bayesian updating, IFIP WG 7.5 Working Conference on Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems, Munich, Germany, April 2010
Most, T.
Identifikation konstitutiver Parameter von weichen feinkörnigen Böden Beitrag zum Konsolidationsverhalten von Ton. Dissertation, 2010, ISBN: 978-3-95773-071-8
Martin M. Zimmerer
Influence of bridge vehicle interaction on the bridge's subsystems considering road roughness, 34th International Symposium on Bridge and Structural Engineering: Large Structures and Infrastructures for Environmentally Constrained and Urbanised Areas; Venice; Italy, pp. 880-881, 2010
Karaki, G.
Modellbildung beim Entwurf stählener Rahmentrafwerke, 17. DASt-Kolloquium, Weimar, Germany, Oktober 2010
Reuter, M.
NURBS solid modelling using an operator-based approach, International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering ICCCBE, Nottingham, England, June - July 2010
Stein, P.
Optimale Positionierung von Messeinrichtungen an Staumauern zur Bauwerksüberwachung, VII. Mittweidaer Talsperrentag-Messtechnische Überwachung von Stauanlagen, Mittweida, Germany, May 2010
Lahmer, T., Könke, C., Bettzieche, V.
Optimale Positionierung von Messeinrichtungen an Staumauern zur Bauwerksüberwachung, Wasserwirtschaft, 10, 2010
Lahmer, T., Könke, C., Bettzieche, V.
Prediction of creep deformation of PCC using models of standard concrete, ICPIC 2010 - 13th International Congress on Polymers in Concrete, Madeira, Portugal, February 2010
Keitel, H., Dimmig-Osburg, A.
Realistic vulnerability functions of masonry structures - lessons learned from damaging earthquakes in southern Germany, 8th International Masonry Conference, Dresden, Germany, July 2010
Schwarz, J., Beinersdorf, S., Langhammer, T., Leipold, M., Kaufmann, Ch.
Realität- Experiment- Simulation Untersuchungen am Beispiel eines Biegeträgers, 17. DASt-Kolloquium, Weimar, Germany, Oktober 2010
Bauer, M., Reuter, M.
Reliability analysis of the bearing failure problem considering uncertain stochastic parameters, Computers and Geotechnics, 37 (3): 299-310, 2010
Most, T., Knabe, T.
Seismic analysis of structural response using simplified soil-structure interaction models, Bauingenieur, Volume 85, Issue March, 2010, Pages S10-S16
Nasser, M., Schwedler, M., Wuttke, F., Könke, C.
The influence of temperature varying material parameters on the dynamic behavior of short span railway bridges, Proceedings of ISMA 2010 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Pages 1519-1529
Nikulla, S., Brehm, M., Zabel, V.
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of creep models for uncorrelated and correlated input parameters, Engineering Structures, 32 (11): 3758-3767, 2010
Keitel, H., Dimmig-Osburg, A.
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of creep prediction models in concrete structures, 8th fib international PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, 2010
Keitel, H., Dimmig-Osburg, A.
Verhalten von Mauerwerksbauten unter Erdbebeneinwirkung: Auswertung der Schäden des Albstadt-Erdbebens vom 3. September 1978, Mauerwerk, 14 (3): 126-135, 2010
Schwarz, J., Beinersdorf, S., Langhammer, T., Leipold, M.
Vulnerability functions for masonry structures derived from recent earthquakes in Germany, 14th International Masonry Conference, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2010
Schwarz, J., Beinersdorf, S., Langhammer, T., Leipold, M., Kaufmann, Ch.
Aspekte der Modellierung am Beispiel eines Rahmentragwerks, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, Juni 2011
Reuter, M., Knabe, T.
Assessment of structural simulation models by estimating uncertainties due to model selection and model simplification, Computers and Structures, 89 (17/18), pp. 1664-1672, 2011
Most, T.
Base isolation for buildings in the presence of soil structure interaction: the basic model, 7th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Athens, Greece, June - July 2011
Manolis, G.D., Markou, A., Nasser, M.
Bewertungsmethoden für Modelle des konstruktiven Ingenieurbaus, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, Juni 2011
Lahmer, T., Knabe, T., Nikulla, S., Reuter, M.
Die Kopplung von Partialmodellen aus Sicht der Informatik, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, Juni 2011
Fröbel, T., Stein, P.
Efficient structural reliability methods considering incomplete knowledge of random variable distributions, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 26 (2), pp. 380-386, 2011
Most, T.
Einschätzung der aktuellen Lastmodelle zur wirbenlerregten Schwingung von Bauwerken, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, Juni 2011
Bombassaro, E.
Evaluation of coupled partial models in structural engineering using graph theory and sensitivity analysis, Engineering Structures, 33 (12): 3726-3736, 2011
Keitel, H., Karaki, G., Lahmer, T., Nikulla, S., Zabel, V.
Historische Entwicklung eines Ingenieurmodells – ein Fallbeispiel, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, Juni 2011
Leipold, M.
Identifikation räumlich korrelierter Bodenkenngrößen, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, Juni 2011
Most, T., Witt, K.J., Huber, M.
Instrumentally based vulnerability studies for the building stock of the SERAMAR project. Proceedings of 63rd EERI Annual Meeting, February 9-12, 2011, San Diego, CA, USA. (Page 171)
Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J., Langhammer, T., Leipold, M.
Investigation of bridge-vehicle interaction for highway bridges considering road uneveness, Source of the Document Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2011, pp. 1297-1301
Karaki, G.
Konzepte der optimalen Versuchsplanung für das Monitoring von Bauwerken, Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, 3, 2011
Lahmer, T.
Modellqualität in Abhängigkeit der Tragwerksabstraktion, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, Juni 2011
Bauer, M., Reuter, M.
Optimal experimental design for nonlinear ill-posed problems applied to gravity dams, Journal of Inverse Problems, 27 (12): 125005, 2011
Lahmer, T.
Optimal monitoring of gravity dams by multifield considerations, ICOLD: 79th annual meeting, Lucerne, Switzerland, May - June 2011
Lahmer, T., Könke, C., Bettzieche, V.
Probabilistic investigation on the dynamic response of highway bridges, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, Juni 2011
Karaki, G.
Quality and reliability of prognosis models, 6th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Budapest, Hungary, August - September 2011
Reuter, M.
Quality assessment of coupled civil engineering application, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 25 (4): 625-639, 2011
Fröbel, T., Firmenich, B., Koch, C.
Restraint effects in reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, IABSE-IASS Symposium 2011 "Taller, Longer, Lighter", London, Great Britain, September 2011
Jung, B., Morgenthal, G., Timmler, H.-G., Schröter, H.
Soil-structure interaction: validation study using energy measures, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, Juni 2011
Nasser, M., Manolis, G.D.
Synthese und Analyse von gekoppelten Modellen im konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, Juni 2011
Stein, P., Lahmer, T., Bock, S.
Systemidentifikation von Staudämmen durch korrelierte Mehrfeldanalysen, Baustatik-Baupraxis 11, Universität Innsbruck / TU Graz, February 2011
Lahmer, T.
Traglastanalyse schlanker Stahlbetonstützen unter Kriechbeanspruchung, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, Juni 2011
Keitel, H., Nikulla, S.
Assessment of coupled models of bridges considering time-dependent vehicular loading. Dissertation, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-95773-015-2
Ghada Karaki
Assessment of integral bridges using quantitative model evaluation, 19th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2012
Jung, B., Morgenthal, G.
Calibration of constitutive parameters by inverse analysis for a geotechnical boundary problem, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 49 (2): 170-183, 2012
Knabe, T., Schweiger, H.F., Schanz, T.
Complexity versus simplicity: an example of groundwater model ranking with the Akaike information criterion, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 9 (8): 968-9714, 2012
Engelhardt, I., De Aguinaga, J.G., Mikat, H., Schütz, C., Lenz, O., Liedl, R.
Constitutive modelling of steel with texture characteristics, 19th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2012
Wudtke, I.
Error in prediction due to data type availability in a coupled hydromechanical model, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 17 S, 2012, Pages 2459-2471
De Aguinaga, J.G.
Evaluation methods for prediction quality of concrete models. Dissertation, 2012, ISBN: 978-3- 95773-034-3
Holger Keitel
Evaluation of complex engineering models using model quality analysis, Engineering Structures, 42: 410-419, 2012
Reuter, M., Werner, F.
Evaluation of soil-structure interaction models using different model-robustness approaches, 19th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2012
Stutz, H., Wuttke, F.
Extended finite element method for dynamic fracture of piezoelectric materials, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 92, September 2012, Pages 19-31
Nguyen-Vinh, H., Bakar, I., Msekh, M.A., Song, J-H., Muthu, J., Zi, G., Le, P., Bordas, S., Simpson, R., Natararajan, S., Lahmer, T., Rabczuk, T.
Extended isogeometric analysis based crack identification applying multilevel regularizing methods, 19th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2012
Lahmer, T., Ghorashi, SSh.
Extended isogeometric analysis of plates with curved cracks, 8th International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Civil-Comp Proceedings, Volume 100, 2012
Ghorashi, SSh., Valizadeh, N., Mohammadi, S., Rabczuk, T.
Global model quality evaluation of coupled partial models for restraint effects in reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, The 9th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany, July 2012
Jung, B., Morgenthal, G.
Hybrid models for assessing the flutter stability of suspension bridges, International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications (BBAA7), Shanghai, 2012
Abbas, T., Morgenthal, G.
Influence of different data types for the estimation of hydromechanical parameters for a water retaining dam using synthetic data, 19th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2012
De Aguinaga, J.G.
Model combinations for assessing the flutter stability of suspension bridges, 19th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2012
Abbas, T.
Model quality evaluation of coupled RC frame-wall systems for global damage assessment, 19th International Conference on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, 4-6 July 2012
Marzban, S., Schwarz, J.
Multicriterial evaluation method for the prognosis quality of complex engineering models. Dissertation, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-95773-091-6
Markus Reuter
Numerical aspects of the crack band approach, Computers and Structures, 110-111: 60-78, 2012
Jirásek, M., Bauer, M.
On a special finite element based holomorphic functions, AIP Conference proceedings, Volume 1479, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 308-312
Bock, S., Gürlebeck, K., Legatiuk, D.
On the continuous coupling between analytical and finite element solutions, Le Hung Son & Wolfgang Tutschke eds. Interactions between real and complex analysis, pp. 3 - 19. Science and Technics Publishing House, Hanoi, 2012
Bock, S., Gürlebeck, K., Legatiuk, D.
Operator- and template-based modeling of solid geometry for isogeometric analysis with vertical axis wind turbine simulation, Computational Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 213: 78-83, 2012
Stein, P., Hsu, M.-C., Bazilevs, Y., Beucke, K.
Orthotropic enriched extended isogeometric analysis for fracture analysis of composites, 8th International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Civil-Comp Proceedings, Volume 100, 2012
Ghorashi, SSh., Valizadeh, N., Mohammadi, S.
Praktische Behandlung von Stabilitätsproblemen nach DIN EN 1993, Tagung des Instituts für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, Oktober 2012
Werner, F., Scheiber, F.
Quality assessment of kinematical models by means of global and goal-oriented error estimation techniques. Dissertation, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-95773-105-0
Susanne Nikulla
Quantifying the quality of partial model coupling and its effect on the simulated structural behavior, 19th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2012
Keitel, H.
Robustness in civil engineering - influences of the structural model on the evaluation of structural robustness, 19th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2012
Scheiber, F., Werner, F.
Seismic performance of RC shear wall frames considering soilfoundation-structure interaction, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-28 September 2012
Marzban, S., Banazadeh, M., Azarbakht, A.
Selecting an advanced creep model or a sophisticated time-integration? A new approach by means of sensitivity analysis, World Academy of Science: Engineering and Technology (Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural and Construction Engineering), 67, 564-571, July 2012
Keitel, H.
Selecting creep models using Bayesian methods, Materials and Structures, 45: 1513-1533, 2012
Keitel, H., Dimmig-Osburg, A., Vandewalle, L., Schueremans, L.
T-spline based XIGA for adaptive modelling of cracked bodies, 19th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2012
Ghorashi, SSh., Rabczuk, T., Rodenas, J.J., Lahmer, T.
The application of PoD curves to damage detection based on partial models - a numerical and experimental study, 19th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2012
Deeb, M., Zabel, V.
The application of POD curves to damage detection in civil engineering structures - A numerical and experimental study, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering 2012, ISMA 2012, including USD 2012: International Conference on Uncertainty in Structure DynamicsVolume 2, 2012, Pages 1199-1210
Deeb, M., Zabel, V.
The problem of coupling between analytical solution and finite element method, 19th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2012
Bock, S., Gürlebeck, K., Legatiuk, D.
Transient analysis of laminated composite plates using isogeometric analysis, 8th International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Civil-Comp Proceedings, Volume 100, 2012
Valizadeh, N., Ghorashi, SSh., Yousefi, H., Bui, T.Q., Rabczuk, T.
Uncertainty analysis of tension stiffening approaches in reinforced concrete structures for the model quality evaluation, FIB Symposium Stockholm 2012 ,,Concrete Structures for Sustainable Community'', KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2012
Jung, B., Morgenthal, G.
Uncertainty quantification in cyclic creep prediction of concrete, 19th Int. Conf. on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, July 2012
Motra, H.B., Dimmig-Osburg, A., Hildebrand, J.
Welded connections of high strength steels for building industry, Welding in the World, 56 (5/6), 2012
Günther, H.-P., Hildebrand, J., Rasche, C., Versch, C., Wudtke, I., Kuhlmann, U., Vormwald, M., Werner, F.
Welded Connections of High-Strength Steels For The Building Industry. Weld World 56, 86–106 (2012)
Günther, H.-P., Hildebrand, J., Rasche, C., Versch, C., Wudtke, I., Kuhlmann, U., Vormwald, M., Werner, F.
A model-based approach in the design of experiments for damage detection, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, April 2013
Deeb, M., Zabel, V.
An investigation into the sensitivity properties of the global response of reinforced concrete structural walls, 14th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Cagliari, Italy, September 3-6 2013
Marzban, S., Leipold, M., Schwarz, J.
An Investigation into the structural interaction in RC frame-wall systems, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, April 2013
Marzban, S., Schwarz, J.
Ansatz zur hybriden Modellierung im Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau – Bewertete Kopplung von mathematischen und physikalischen Modellen, Proceedings of 7. Symposium “Experimentelle Untersuchungen von Baukonstruktionen”, Dresden, 2013
Scheiber, F., Motra, H.B.
Contribution to model robustness, model complexity and model uncertainty in geotechnical engineering, In: (Ed.) Proske, D. (u.a.): Proceedings of the 11th International Probabilistic Workshop, 06 - 08 November 2013, Brno, Czech Republic, 399-406
Huber, M., Stutz, H.
Convergence of the finite element method with holomorphic functions, AIP Conference proceedings, Volume 1558, 2013, Pages 513-516
Bock, S., Gürlebeck, K., Legatiuk, D.
Data coupled civil engineering applications: modeling and quality assessment methods. Dissertation, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-95773-045-9
Toni Fröbel
Effiziente Methoden zur Analyse des Einflusses von Unsicherheiten in komplexen Ingenieurmodellen. Habilitation, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-95895-004-7
Thomas Most:
Fatigue assessment of a riveted railway steel bridge: application of different practical approaches, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, April 2013
Chowdhury, S., Zabel, V., Könke, C.
Identification of constitutive parameters of soil using an optimization strategy and statistical analysis, Computers and Geotechnics, Volume 49, April 2013, Pages 143-157
Knabe, T., Datcheva, M., Lahmer, T., Cotecchia, F., Schanz, T.
Influence of measurement uncertainties on results of creep prediction of concrete under cyclic loading, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, FraMCoS 2013, Pages 805-814
Motra, H.B., Hildebrand, J., Dimmig-Osburg, A.
Integral bridges: sensitivity of limit state modelling, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, April 2013
Jung, B., Morgenthal, G., Xu, D.
Model-based damage identification of tower structures, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, April 2013
Deeb, M., Abbas, T., Ghorashi, SSh., Stade, I., Wudtke, I., Zabel, V.
Modelle und Normen – Geometrisch nichtlineare Probleme, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, April 2013
Scheiber, F., Werner, F.
Modelling of concrete hinges through coupling of analytical and finite element solutions, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, April 2013
Legatiuk, D., Gürlebeck, K., Morgenthal, G.
Numerical investigation of the artificial stiffness scaling in zero thickness interface elements for soil- structure interaction, CC2013: The Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing
Stutz, H., Benz, T., Wuttke, F.
Prediction quality of coupled partial models - Influence of different coupling scenarios on the soil-structure interaction, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, April 2013
Keitel, H., Stutz, H., Jung, B., Motra, H.B.
Procedurally generated models for isogeometric analysis. Dissertation, 2013, ISBN: 978-3- 95773-101-2
Peter Stein
Quality assessment of dynamic soil-structure interaction models using energy measures. Dissertation, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-95773-104-3
Mourad Nasser
Quantification of the effects of turbulence in wind on the aeroelastic behaviour of suspension bridges, der 13. Dreiländertagung der Windtechonologishen Gesellschaft, Wien (WtG2013) 2013
Abbas, T., Morgenthal, G.
Quantification of the effects of turbulence in wind on the flutter stability of suspension bridges, 6th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, EACWE 2013, UK, 2013
Abbas, T., Morgenthal, G.
Quantification of the effects of turbulence in wind on the vortexinduced vibrations, 36th IABSE Symposium, Kolkata, India. September 24-27, 2013, Long Span Bridge and Roof Structures - Development, Design and Implementation, Conference: 36th IABSE Symposium, Kolkata, India, September 24-27, 2013
Abbas, T., Morgenthal, G., Hallermann, N.
Quantifying sources of uncertainty for creep models under varying stresses, Journal of Structural Engineering, Volume 139, Issue 6, 1 June 2013, Pages 949-956
Keitel, H.
Reinforcement design for the anchorage of externally prestressed bridges with “tensile stress region”, Computers and Concrete 11 (5), pp. 383-397, 2013
Liu, C., Xu, D., Jung, B., Morgenthal, G.
Tragwerksmonitoring und numerische Simulation, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, April 2013
Scheiber, F., Motra, H.B.
Uncertainty quantification on creep deflection of concrete beam subjected to cyclic loading, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, ICOSSAR 2013, Pages 5141-5147
Motra, H.B., Hildebrand, J., Dimmig-Osburg, A.
Zur Bedeutung der Modellbildung für Ingenieurpraxis, Bautechnik Sonderdruck, ISSN 0932-8351, A 1556, April 2013
Keitel, H., Werner, F.
An additive decomposition of harmonic functions in R^3, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8579, pp. 189-204, 2014
Gürlebeck, K., Nguyen, H.M., Legatiuk, D.
Approximate distributions of dynamic properties identified from vibration measurements on identical pole structures, METNET, 9th International seminar, Moscow, Russia, 2014, October 21 - 22, 2014
Olney, P., Stade, I., Deeb, M.
Assessment of image-based FE models in structural dynamics, Proceedings of the International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA) 2014, Leuven, 15 - 17 September 2014
Stade, I., Guist, C., Könke, C., Richter, T.
Assessment of strain measurement techniques to characterize mechanical properties of structural steel, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Vol. 17 (2014), 260-269
Motra, H.B., Hildebrand, J., Dimmig-Osburg, A.
Assessment of the flutter stability of bridges using a probabilistic approach, 12th International Probabilistic Workshop, Weimar, Germany, November 4-5, 2014
Abbas, T., Morgenthal, G.
Comparison of different model-based design of experiment approaches under moderate errors, Proceedings of the 12th International Probabilistic Workshop, Weimar, Germany, November 4-5, 2014
Reichert, I., Olney, P., Lahmer, T.
Contribution to model robustness, model complexity and model uncertainty in geotechnical engineering, Proceedings of 12th International Probabilistic Workshop, Weimar, Germany, November 4-5, 2014
Huber, M.
Experience-based assessment of yield displacement estimates for reinforced concrete walls, 12th International Probabilistic Workshop, Weimar, Germany, November 4-5, 2014
Marzban, S., Schwarz, J., Abrahamczyk, L.
Generation of numerical simulation models in structural dynamics from computed tomography image data, Proceedings of the METNET Seminar 2014 in Moscow, Moskau, 2014
Stade, I., Könke, C.
Goal-oriented error estimation and mesh adaptivity in three-dimensional elasticity problems, WCCM XI - ECCM V - ECFD VI, Barcelona, Spain, 2014
Ghorashi, SSh., Amani, J., Bagherzadeh, A.S., Rabczuk, T.
Improved convergence results for the finite element method with holomorphic functions, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, Volume 24, Issue 4, 15 November 2014, Pages 1077-1092
Legatiuk, D., Nguyen, H.M.
Influence of specimen dimensions and orientations on the tensile properties of structural steel, Material Testing, Vol. 56, No. 11-12, (2014), 929-936
Motra, H.B., Hildebrand, J., Dimmig-Osburg, A.
Influence of the axial load ratio on the fragility functions for RC walls, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management, ICVRAM 2014 and the 6th International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis, ISUMA 2014, pp. 1777-1784
Marzban, S., Azarbakht, A.
Integrative sensitivity analysis applied to semi-integral concrete bridges, Journal of Bridge Engineering, Volume 19, Issue 6, 1 June 2014, Article number 04014014
Jung, B., Morgenthal, G., Xu, D.
Investigation of remaining fatigue life of a riveted steel railway bridge with different practical approaches, 14th Bilateral German-Czech symposium “Experimental Methods and Numerical Simulation in Engineering Sciences”, Wuppertal, Germany, June 4-7, 2014
Zabel, V., Chowdhury, S.
Mehrphasensysteme in der Geotechnik – Experiment und Simulation. Habilitation, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-95773-170-8
Frank Wuttke:
Model based design of experiments and monitoring systems for parameter identification of structures, IABSE Madrid, 2014
Olney, P., Morgenthal, G., Lahmer, T.
Model coupling in structural engineering application, Proceedings of the 12th International Probabilistic Workshop, Weimar, Germany, November 4-5, 2014
Scheiber, F., Motra, H.B., Legatiuk, D., Werner, F.
Model-based monitoring design of a tower structure, XIVth Bilateral Czech/German Symposium 2014, Wuppertal
Reichert, I., Lahmer, T., Zabel, V.
New findings on bamboo-concrete composite slabs, IABSE Madrid, 2014
Morgenthal, G., Olney, P.
Numerical models for flutter analysis, The 6th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, Hamburg, 2014
Abbas, T., Morgenthal, G.
On the continuous coupling of finite elements with holomorphic basis functions, Hypercomplex Analysis: New perspectives and applications, 2014, Pages 167-180
Gürlebeck, K., Legatiuk, D.
One-dimensional analysis for magneto-thermo-mechanical response in a functionally graded annular variable-thickness rotating disk, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 38, Issue 19-20, 2014, Pages 4625-4639
Bayat, M., Rahimi, M., Saleem, M., Mohazzab, A.H., Wudtke, I., Talebi, H.
Parameter estimation of different fatigue crack growth models, METNET, 9th International seminar, Moscow, Russia, 2014, October 21 - 22, 2014
Chowdhury, S.
Quality assessment of coupled partial models considering soilstructure coupling, Engineering Structures 59, pp. 565-573, 2014
Keitel, H., Jung, B., Motra, H.B., Stutz, H.
Quality assessment of dynamic response measurements using wireless sensor networks: preliminary results, 7th EWSHM in Nantes, 2014, Pages 1529-1536
Chowdhury, S., Olney, P., Deeb, M., Zabel, V., Smarsly, K.
Quality assessment of models with an application to cyclic creep prediction of concrete, International Journal of Reliability and Safety, International Journal of Reliability and Safety, Volume 8, Issue 2-4, 2014, Pages 262-283
Motra, H.B., Dimmig-Osburg, A., Hildebrand, J.
Reinforced concrete structural wall database development for model validation, 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, Turkey, August 25-29 2014
Marzban, S., Almasi, A., Schwarz, J.
Reliability based quality assessment for fatigue crack growth models, 12th International Probabilistic Workshop, Weimar, Germany, November 4-5, 2014
Chowdhury, S., Deeb, M., Zabel, V.
Reliability of measurement results for materials testing, Proceedings of 12th International Probabilistic Workshop, Weimar, Germany, November 4-5, 2014
Motra, H.B., Hildebrand, J., Dimmig-Osburg, A., Lahmer, T.
Seismic performance of RC shear wall frames considering soilfoundation-structure interaction, Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, Volume 23, Issue 4, March 2014, Pages 302-318
Marzban, S., Banazadeh, M., Azarbakht, A.
Stochastic predictions of bulk properties of amorphous polyethylene based on molecular dynamics simulations, Mechanics of Materials, Volume 68, 2014, Pages 70-84
Vu-Bac, N., Lahmer, T., Keitel, H., Zhao, J., Zhuang, X., Rabczuk, T.
The effect of load on the spatial variability of soil properties, Proceedings of 12th International Probabilistic Workshop, Weimar, Germany, November 4-5, 2014
Huber, M., Zhu,P., Witt, K.-J.
Uncertainty quantification of damping based on free vibration decay testing and Bayesian model updating, Proceedings of 12th International Probabilistic Workshop, Weimar, Germany, November 4-5, 2014
Deeb, M., Stade, I., Zabel, V., Könke, C.
A combinatorial heuristic algorithm supporting computer-aided planning of optical fiber networks, 22. ITG-Fachtagung "Kommunikationskabelnetze". Cologne, 2015
Wiggenbrock J., Dragos, K., Smarsly, K.
A comparative review of wireless sensor nodes for structural health monitoring, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, Turin, Italy, 2015
Dragos, K., Smarsly, K.
A hierarchical multi-scale approach to mechanical characterization of heat affected zone in welded connections, Computation Materials Science, Volume 96, Issue PB, January 2015, Pages 396-402
Wudtke, I., Talebi, H., Silani, M., Werner, F.
An analytical redundancy approach towards decentralized autonomous fault detection in wireless structural health monitoring, Proceedings of the 27th Forum Bauinformatik, Aachen, Germany, 2015
Jahr, K., Dragos, K., Tauscher, E.
An embedded computing approach for modular wireless structural health monitoring systems, Abrahamczyk, L. & Schwarz, J. (eds.). Forecast Engineering: Global Climate change and the challenges for built environment, Weimar, Germany: Bauhaus University Weimar, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Structural Engineering, 2015
Dragos, K., Thessmann, G., Fathy, M., Wang, S., Liang, Y., Tauscher, E., Smarsly, K.
Best use of metamodels for data derived from civil engineering applications, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015
Steiner, M., Khosravian, R., Lahmer, T.
Comparison and combination of different approaches for the modelbased design of experiments under moderate errors, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM), Weimar, Germany, 2015
Olney, P., Morgenthal, G.
Comparison of different approaches for the model-based design of experiments, IMAC XXXIII Florida, 2015
Reichert, I., Olney, P., Lahmer, T., Zabel, V.
Concurrent multiscale modeling of three dimensional crack and dislocation propagation, Advances in Engineering Software, Volume 80, Issue C, 1 February 2015, Pages 82-92
Talebi, H., Silani, M., Rabczuk, T.
Decentralized autonomous fault detection in wireless structural health monitoring systems using structural response data, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM), Weimar, Germany, 2015
Jahr, K., Schlich, R., Dragos, K., Smarsly, K.
Embedded models in wireless sensor nodes for decentralized condition assessment of civil engineering structures, Proceedings of the 27th Forum Bauinformatik, Aachen, Germany, 2015
Dragos, K.
Embedding numerical models into wireless sensor nodes for structural health monitoring, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford, CA, USA, 2015
Dragos, K., Smarsly, K.
Evaluation of coupled partial models for the assessment of restraint effects in concrete structures. Dissertation, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-95773-198-2
Bastian Jung
Evaluation of the coupling between an analytical and a numerical solution for boundary value problems with singularities. Dissertation, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-95773-193-7
Dmitrii Legatiuk
Extended isogeometric analysis for material interface problems, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 80, Issue 3, 1 September 2015, Pages 608-633
Jia, Y., Antisecu, C., Ghorashi, SSh., Rabczuk, T.
Interpolation problem arising in a coupling of finite element method with holomorphic basis functions, AIP Conference proceedings, Volume 1648, March 2015, Article number 440004
Gürlebeck, K., Kähler, U., Legatiuk, D.
Numerical models for flutter stability analysis of long-span bridges, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, 2015
Abbas, T., Morgenthal, G.
Qualitative investigation of the effect of soil modeling approach on dynamic behavior of a small-scale 2-DOF structure with pile foundation, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM), Weimar, Germany, 2015
Khosravian, R., Wuttke, F.
Quality assessment method for experimental models in structural engineering. Dissertation, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-95773-196-8
Hem Bahadur Motra
Quality assessment of material models for reinforced concrete flexural members, Structural Concrete, Volume 16, Issue 1, 1 March 2015, Pages 125-136
Jung, B., Morgenthal, G., Xu, D., Schröter, H.
Quality of estimated sensitivity indices based on metamodels, Proceedings of the 13th international Probabilistic Workshop (IPW 2015), Liverpool, UK, 2015
Steiner, M., Khosravian, R., Lahmer, T.
Recovery based error estimation in dynamic analysis of offshore wind turbine monopile foundations, Computers and Geotechnics 70, pp. 24-40, 2015
Bayat. M., Ghorashi, SSh., Amani, J., Andesren, L.V., Ibsen, L.B., Rabczuk, T., Zhuang, X., Talebi, H.
Risk based characterisation of an urban building site, Georisk, Vol 9.2015, No. 1, 49-56
Huber, M., Moscatelli, M., Marconi, F.
Simulating sensor attributes to quantify the utility of monitoring systems, SHMii Torino 2015
Olney, P., Morgenthal, G.
Structural optimization of composite structures using an energy method, IABSE Conference, Geneva 2015: Structural Engineering: Providing Solutions to Global Challenges - Report, Pages 1647-1654
Kavrakov, I., Timmler, H.-G., Morgenthal, G.
Structural optimization using the energy method with integral material behavior, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM), Weimar, Germany, 2015
Kavrakov, I., Timmler, H.-G., Morgenthal, G.
Study of analytical models of the mechanical behavior of polymermodified concrete, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on the Application of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering, Weimar, Germany, 2015
Göbel, L., Osburg, A., Lahmer, T.
T-spline based XIGA for fracture analysis of orthotropic media, Computers & Structures 147, pp. 138-146, 2015
Ghorashi, SSh., Valizadeh, N., Mohammadi, S., Rabczuk, T.
ψ-hyperholomorphic functions and a Kolosov- Muskhelishvili formula, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Volume 38, Issue 18, pp. 5114-5123
Bock, S., Gürlebeck, K., Legatiuk, D., Nguyen, H.M.
A distributed-collaborative modal identification procedure for wireless structural health monitoring systems, Abrahamczyk, L. & Schwarz, J. (eds.), Forecast Engineering: From Past Design to Future Decision, Weimar: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2016
Nasr, A., Dehshahri, F., Miculas, C. V., Ficker, K., Azari, S., Afghan, H., Dragos, K., Smarsly, K.
A hybrid system identification methodology for wireless structural health monitoring systems based on dynamic substructuring, The SPIE Smart Structures/NDE Conference: Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems. Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2016
Dragos, K., Smarsly, K.
A stochastic computational method based on goal-oriented error estimation for heterogeneous geological materials, Engineering Geology, 2016
Ghorashi, SSh., Lahmer, T., Bagherzadeh, A.S., Zi, G., Rabczuk, T.
An embedded physics-based modeling approach for wireless structural health monitoring systems, Forum Bauinformatik. Hannover, 2016
Dragos, K.
Assessment of a continuum micromechanics-based multiscale model for concrete by means of sensitivity analysis and uncertainty propagation, VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Editors: M. Papadrakakis, V. Papadopoulos, G. Stefanou, V. Plevris, Volume IV, Crete Island, Greece, 2016
Göbel, L., Osburg, A., Lahmer, T.
BIM-based modeling of structural health monitoring systems using the IFC standard, 28. Forum Bauinformatik. Hannover, 2016
Sternal, M., Dragos, K.
Comparative study of semi-analytical and numerical methods for aerodynamic analysis of long-span bridges, Proceedings of the 8th BBAA Colloquium, Boston, USA, 2016
Kavrakov, I., Ibrahim, K., Morgenthal, G.
Conceptual implementation of the variance-based sensitivity analysis for the calculation of the first-order effects, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 10(4), pp. 589-611, 2016
Marzban, S., Lahmer, T.
Concrete hinges and integral bridge piers, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 21, Issue 1, January 2016
Morgenthal, G., Olney, P.
Decentralized infrastructure health monitoring using embedded computing in wireless sensor networks, Sextos, A. & Manolis, G. D. (eds.). Dynamic Response of Infrastructure to Environmentally Induced Loads. Cham, Schweiz: Springer International Publishing AG, 2016
Dragos, K., Smarsly, K.
Distributed adaptive diagnosis of sensor faults using structural response data, Smart Materials and Structures, 25(10), 105-119, 2016
Dragos, K., Smarsly, K.
Error estimates for the coupling of analytical and numerical solutions, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, Volume 11, Issue 5, pp. 1221-1240, 2016
Gürlebeck, K., Kähler, U., Legatiuk, D.
Framework for sensitivity and uncertainty quantification in the flutter assessment of bridges, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics Volume 43, pp. 91-105, 2016
Abbas, T., Morgenthal, G.
Influence of aerodynamic model assumptions on the windvehicle- bridge interaction, IABSE Congress Stockholm, 2016: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment, pp. 1165-1172
Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, G., Camara, A.
Machine learning techniques for structural health monitoring, 8th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM) 2016. Bilbao, Spain
Smarsly, K., Dragos, K., Wiggenbrock, J.
Modelling techniques for buffeting analysis of long-span bridges, IABSE Conference, Guangzhou 2016: Bridges and Structures Sustainability - Seeking Intelligent Solutions - Report, pp. 221-228
Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, G.
Monitoring of a bridge gusset plate during crack propagation with different measurement systems, 8th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2016), 5-8 July 2016, Spain, Bilbao
Chowdhury, S., Zabel, V.
Monitoring the structural response of reinforced concrete poles along high-speed railway tracks, Proceedings of the International RILEM Conference Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering, 22-24 August 2016, Lyngby, Denmark
Göbel, L., Mucha, F., Jaouadi, Z., Kavrakov, I., Legatiuk, D., Abrahamczyk, L., Kraus, M., Smarsly, K.
Monte Carlo method for the evaluation of measurement uncertainty: application to determine material properties, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 45, pp. 220-228, 2016
Motra, H.B., Hildebrand, J., Wuttke, F.
Nonlinear sensor fault diagnosis in wireless sensor networks using structural response data, The 23rd International Workshop of the European Group for Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Krakow, Poland, 2016
Dragos, K., Jahr, K., Smarsly, K.
Numerical models for buffeting and flutter analysis of bridges in erection stage, Proceeding of the Young Engineers Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany, 2016
Kavrakov, I.
On some properties of pseudo-complex polynomials, Modern Trends in Hypercomplex Analysis, Trends in Mathematics, pp. 217–226, 2016
Gürlebeck, K., Legatiuk, D.
Operational modal analysis with a 3D laser vibrometer without external reference, Proceedings of the 34th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2016, pp. 75 – 85, 2016
Marwitz, S., Zabel, V.
Parametric study on the effects of catenary cables and soilstructure interaction on dynamic behavior of pole structures using the finite elements method, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Methods, Berkeley, CA, USA, 2016
Khosravian, R., Steiner, M., Könke, C.
Quality assessment of soil bearing capacity factor models of shallow foundations, Soils and Foundations, Vol. 56, Issue 2, pp. 265 – 276, 2016
Motra, H.B., Stutz, H., Wuttke, F.
Qualitätskontrolle von Ingenieurkonstruktionen durch terrestrisches Laserscanning, Allgemeine Vermessungs- Nachrichten (avn), 123:8-9, pp. 239-252, 2016
Bock, S., Gebhardt, T., Hildebrand, J., Schwarz, W., Almamou, S., Herzog, S.
Reducing forecast uncertainty by using observations in geotechnical engineering, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 45, pp. 212–219, 2016
Huber, M.
Uncertainty-based evaluation and coupling of mathematical and physical models, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, Volume 45, pp. 52-60, 2016
Scheiber, F., Motra, H.B., Legatiuk, D., Werner, F.
A categorical approach towards metamodeling cyberphysical systems, Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 2017
Legatiuk, D., Theiler, M., Dragos, K., Smarsly, K.
A comparative assessment of aerodynamic models for buffeting and flutter of long-span bridges, Engineering, 2017
Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, G.
Abstract modelling: towards a typed declarative language for the conceptual modelling phase. Proceedings of 8th International Workshop on Equation-Based Object-Oriented Modeling Languages and Tools, Munich, Germany, December 2017 (EOOLT 2017)
Legatiuk, D., Nilsson, H.
An assessment framework for sensor-based detection of critical structural conditions with consideration of load uncertainty, Structures, Volume 12, p. 168-178, 2017
Rau, S., Morgenthal, G.
An embedded algorithm for detecting and accommodating synchronization problems in wireless structural health monitoring systems, Proceedings of the 24rd International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Nottingham, UK, 2017
Dragos, K., Smarsly, K.
An experimental evaluation of two potential improvements for 3D laser vibrometer based operational modal analysis, An International Journal of the Society of Experimental Mechanics, 57:1311–1325, 2017
Marwitz, S., Zabel, V.
Assessment of numerical prediction models for aeroelastic instabilities of bridges. Dissertation, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-95773-227-9
Tajammal Abbas:
Automatisierte Modalanalyse und Langzeitmonitoring eines rotationssymmetrischen Turmtragwerks, Baustatik-Baupraxis 13, pp. 165 – 172, 2017
Marwitz, S., Zabel, V., Könke, C.
Betrachtung von Unsicherheiten in der Modalanalyse mit der Stochastic Subspace Identification am Beispiel eines seilabgespannten Masts, Tagungsband der 15. D-A-CH Tagung Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik, 2017
Marwitz, S., Habtemariam, A., Zabel, V.
BIM-based design of structural health monitoring systems, Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM). Stanford, CA, USA, 2017
Theiler, M., Dragos, K., Smarsly, K.
Categorical approach to modelling and to coupling of models, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Volume 40, Issue 3, pp. 523-534, 2017
Gürlebeck, K., Hofmann, D., Legatiuk, D.
Cross-evaluation of two measures for the assessment of estimated state-space systems in operational modal analysis, Proceedings of the 7th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, pp. 253-256, 2017
Marwitz, S., Zabel, V.
Determination of stay cable forces using highly mobile vibration measurement devices, Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2017
Rau, S., Morgenthal, G., Taraben, J., Abbas, T.
Early-age experimental characterization and semi-analytical modeling of elasticity and creep of polymer-modified cement pastes, Second International RILEM Conference On Early- Age Cracking and Serviceability in Cement-based Materials and Structures, Brussels, Belgium, 2017
Göbel, L., Pichler, B., Osburg, A.
Einfluss realer Materialeigenschaften auf numerische Modellvorhersagen: Fallstudie Betonmast, Bautechnik, 2017
Göbel, L., Mucha, F., Kavrakov, I., Abrahamczyk, L., Kraus, M.
Entwicklung eines semi-analytischen Multiskalenmodells für polymermodifizierten Beton, Tagung Bauchemie, Weimar, Germany, 2017
Göbel, L., Osburg, A., Bos, C., Schwaiger, R.
Experience-based model quality assessment methods and their application to reinforced concrete walls, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-95773-242-2
Samira Marzban
Goal-oriented adaptive modeling of 3d elasto-plasticity problems. Dissertation, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-95773-226-2
Seyed Shahram Ghorashi
Goal-oriented error estimation and mesh adaptivity in 3d elastoplasticity problems, International Journal of Fracture, Volume 203, Issue 1-2, pp. 3-19, 2017
Ghorashi, SSh., Rabczuk, T.
Hybrid nonlinear surrogate models for fracture behavior of polymeric nanocomposites using phase field model, Journal of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2017
Badawy, M.F., Msekh, M.A., Hamdia, K.M., Steiner, M., Rabczuk, T.
IFC-based modeling of cyber-physical systems in civil engineering, Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE). Nottingham, Vereinigtes Königreich, 2017
Smarsly, K., Theiler, M., Dragos, K.
Interpolation problem for the solutions of linear elasticity equations based on monogenic functions, AIP Conference proceedings 1907, 030054, 2017
Grigor'ev, Yu., Gürlebeck, K., Legatiuk, D.
Investigation of a global adaptive sampling method based on leastsquares support vector regression, Proceedings of the GRK International Workshop, Weimar, Germany, 2017
Steiner, M., Lahmer, T., Bourinet, J.-M.
Methods for Flutter Stability Analysis of Long-span Bridges: A Review, Proceedings of the ICE - Bridge Engineering, Volume 170 Issue 4, pp. 271-310, 2017
Abbas, T., Kavrakov, I., Morgenthal, G.
Micromechanics-based prediction of the elastic properties of polymer-modified cementitious materials, FIB Symposium, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2017
Göbel, L., Bos, C., Schwaiger, R., Osburg, A.
Modeling and evaluation of cyber-physical systems in civil engineering, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2017
Legatiuk, D., Dragos, K., Smarsly, K.
Non-destructive identification of residual stresses in steel under thermal loadings, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Volume 25, Issue 10, pp. 1519- 1535, 2017
Lahmer, T., Bock, S., Hildebrand, J., Gürlebeck, K.
Numerical simulation of RC frames structures with infill walls under consideration of out-of-plane behavior, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE), Santiago, Chile, 9-13 January 2017, Paper-No. 4917
Al Hanoun, M.H., Abrahamczyk, L., Schwarz, J.
On a hypercomplex version of the Kelvin solution in linear elasticity, Modern Problems in Applied Analysis, 2017
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On generalized Kolosov-Muskhelishvili formulae for the finite cylinder, AIP Conference proceedings, 2017
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On monogenic functions with line singularities, AIP Conference proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2017, 4-8 July, Cadiz (Spain), 2017
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Quaternionic formulation of a Cauchy problem for the Lame equation, AIP Conference proceedings, 2017
Grigor'ev, Yu., Gürlebeck, K., Legatiuk, D.
Three-dimensional interpolation with monogenic polynomials, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 2017
Gürlebeck, K., Legatiuk, D.
Uncertainty analysis in multiscale modeling of concrete based on continuum micromechanics; European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 65C:14-29, 2017
Göbel, L., Lahmer, T., Osburg, A.
Vertrauenswürdigkeit nichtlinearer Analysen: Rahmentragwerke unter Erdbebeneinwirkungen. Baustatik-Baupraxis 13, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 2017
Abrahamczyk, L., Al Hanoun, M.H., Peneva, D, Schwarz, J.