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Mex3a-dependent regulation of microRNAs in cardiac disease (A02)

Subject Area Cell Biology
Cardiology, Angiology
Structural Biology
Term since 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 403584255
Besides the interaction of the RNA-binding protein Mex3a with miR-126-5p, which is instrumental in preserving endothelial integrity, its functional role remains unknown. We hypothesise that Mex3a may interact with other miRNAs in distinct cell types to affect trafficking and function. In this project, we aim to investigate mechanisms of miRNA selection, the functional relevance of their interaction with Mex3a, the structural basis of a ternary complex of Mex3a and AGO2 with miRNAs, and possible stabilising approaches. As Mex3a expression is stimulated by pathological cardiac stimuli, the contribution of Mex3a and interacting miRNAs to cardiac remodeling/function will be explored.
DFG Programme CRC/Transregios

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