Der Einsatz von Leguminosen unter innovativen Beweidungsmethoden und strategischer Nährstoffergänzung für Rinder in tropischen Weidesystemen
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
The short research stay of three months allowed the researcher to get involved with scientific activities being conducted at the time by the Australian partners. Important understanding on horizontal utilization of pastures, a recently proposed concept, and its effects on legumes utilization, as well as on the grazing behaviour of the dairy cattle were studied in an initial in vivo trial. Several discussions on pasture management and experimental set up of grazing studies, with particular emphasis on accurate measurements of nutrients intake generated from this study. Moreover, upon further discussion with the hosts, in vitro trials were conducted by the researcher in order to support research and decision-making of the Australian scientists. These trials had as main concept the interactions between ingredients, particularly protein sources, and forages on the degradability of the latter. Additionally, during the time of the stay another in vivo trial on Nitrogen recycle by cattle was being conducted and the researcher could witness and get familiar with the experimental setting, but also with the technical set up of the experiment as well as the calculations and interpretation of the obtained results. The Nitrogen recycling technique is certainly a valuable tool in line with the research objectives of the researcher and the group he belongs to. All the activities conducted during the research stay have become valued experiences towards the development of the researcher and that will certainly be shared with his working group at the University of Hohenheim.