Project Details
TRR 289: Treatment Expectation - The impact of expectation on health outcome
Subject Area
Social and Behavioural Sciences
since 2020
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 422744262
Patients’ expectations about treatments are important modulators of health outcomes. An individual’s expectation can substantially shape symptoms and disease progression and influence the efficacy and tolerability of treatments. The ultimate goal of this CRC is to provide a knowledge base for the systematic utilization of patient expectations to optimize therapeutic strategies and improve health outcomes. To achieve this goal, we set out to characterize the mechanisms underlying the generation and dynamics of positive and negative expectations and their impact on treatment outcomes, and to elucidate how expectation effects interact with ‘actual’ (e.g., pharmacological) treatment effects. Our research program is structured to reflect the long-term goals of the CRC, in which the focus of the three funding periods will gradually shift from characterizing the mechanisms underlying treatment expectation to translating the knowledge gained into clinical practice. Using a highly interdisciplinary and translational approach and guided by a unified theoretical framework, we conduct basic experimental studies in animals and healthy volunteers, as well as clinical proof-of-concept studies in patients, to investigate the mechanisms and effects of treatment expectation alone and, importantly, in combination with gold-standard treatments. During the 1st funding period, we focused on the psychological and neurobiological mechanisms (objective #1) and interindividual differences (objective #2) in the effects of expectation on health outcomes in healthy volunteers and patients. To ensure rapid translation into the clinical context, these mechanistic studies were complemented by small-scale translational clinical proof-of-concept studies (objective #3) testing approaches to modulate treatment expectation in patient populations with chronic pain or depression. In the 2nd funding period, we will maintain the focus on these three major objectives but will place a particular emphasis on the temporal dynamics of expectation. We will investigate how expectations are formed, revised, and updated based on patients’ treatment experiences, how these modifications are influenced by individual and contextual characteristics, and how expectations and their effects generalize to other health and treatment outcomes. We will also broaden our investigations beyond pain and depression to test for commonalities and differences in the mechanisms and effects of treatment expectation in disorders with more physiological and objective rather than subjective and patient-reported treatment outcomes. This will allow us to strategically target expectation tailored to context, the individual patient, and disease-specific aspects in the 3rd funding period. Across all funding periods, the success of our efforts relies on the synergy of effective science communication and dynamic collaboration, including co-production with patients and other stakeholders.
DFG Programme
Current projects
- A01 - The mechanisms underlying the formation, updating, and generalization of expectations and their effect on pain (Project Head Bingel, Ulrike )
- A02 - The role of self-generated expectations and the limits of the Bayesian pain model (Project Head Büchel, Christian )
- A03 - Neural basis of modulators of expectation effects in pain and affective processing (Project Head Rose, Michael )
- A04 - Dynamic changes in expectation and perception within and across pain modalities (Project Heads Elsenbruch, Sigrid ; Kleine-Borgmann, Julian )
- A06 - Hierarchical representation of affective expectation effects and their predictive value for longitudinal treatment outcomes in patients with depression (Project Head Brassen, Stefanie )
- A09 - Effects of social observation on placebo and nocebo responses in a rat model of depression (Project Heads Schwarting, Rainer K.W. ; Wöhr, Markus )
- A10 - Neurobiological mechanisms and temporal dynamics of negative treatment expectations in an animal model of sickness behavior (Project Heads Engler, Harald ; Heiß-Lückemann, Laura ; Schedlowski, Manfred )
- A11 - Changing sickness symptom expectations: Effects on objective and subjective symptom dynamics in an experimental model of inflammation-induced sickness (Project Heads Benson, Sven ; Rohn, Hana )
- A12 - Treatment expectation in clinical and experimental inflammatory skin conditions (Project Heads Benson, Sven ; Schedlowski, Manfred ; Sondermann, Wiebke )
- A13 - Preoperative expectation optimization to reduce postoperative pain and disability after hip surgery (Project Heads Elsenbruch, Sigrid ; Klinger, Regine )
- A15 - Expectation optimization for antidepressants via just-in-time adaptive interventions: a micro-randomized trial (JITAI-Expect) (Project Heads Kircher, Tilo ; Nestoriuc, Yvonne ; Rief, Ph.D., Winfried )
- A16 - Optimizing treatment expectations in internet-based interventions for depression (Project Heads Knaevelsrud, Christine ; Rief, Ph.D., Winfried )
- A17 - How does the cerebellum contribute to placebo hypoalgesia and nocebo hyperalgesia? (Project Head Timmann-Braun, Dagmar )
- A18 - How variance in observations of respiratory symptoms shapes first-hand experiences (Project Heads Haaker, Jan ; Melzig, Christiane )
- A19 - Behavioral and neural effects of practitioner communication on speech perception, treatment expectation, and treatment outcome (Project Heads Blank, Helen ; Wiech, Katja )
- SC - Communicating the science of treatment expectations – from healthcare professionals to patients and back (Project Heads Benson, Sven ; Bingel, Ulrike ; Hartmann, Ph.D., Helena )
- Z01 - Central Tasks (Project Head Bingel, Ulrike )
- Z02 - Central scientific project: Overarching psychometric and neuroendocrine assessments (Project Heads Engler, Harald ; Müller, Erik M. ; Rief, Ph.D., Winfried ; Schedlowski, Manfred ; Shedden Mora, Ph.D., Meike )
- Z03 - Central scientific project: Neuroimaging (Project Heads Bingel, Ulrike ; Büchel, Christian ; Spisak, Ph.D., Tamas )
Completed projects
- A07 - The role of dopamine, reward learning and prefrontal activity in expectation-induced mood enhancement (Project Heads Endres, Ph.D., Dominik M. ; Müller, Erik M. )
- A08 - The effects of nasal esketamine and treatment expectation in acute major depressive disorder: a pharmacological fMRI study (Project Heads Falkenberg, Irina ; Kircher, Tilo )
Applicant Institution
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Co-Applicant Institution
Philipps-Universität Marburg; Universität Hamburg
Participating University
Freie Universität Berlin; Helmut-Schmidt-Universität
Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg; MSH Medical School Hamburg
Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg; MSH Medical School Hamburg
Professorin Dr. Ulrike Bingel