SPP 2240:
Bioelectrochemical and engineering fundamentals to establish electro-biotechnolgy for biosynthesis – Power to value-added products (eBiotech)
Subject Area
Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
since 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 422694804
The SPP 2240 “e-Biotech” harnesses the latest advances in (bio)electrochemistry, microbiology, materials science, systems and synthetic biology and process engineering to pave the way for an emerging new field, the electro-biotechnology. It provides an immense chance to develop completely new and highly efficient bioprocesses from electricity and sustainable substrates including CO2. To this end, fundamental research, especially with an engineering approach to link the basic science with process technology, are urgently needed. The SPP timely brings together research groups with broad expertise and from different locations for a true interdisciplinary collaboration. With this e-Biotech lays the necessary foundations for realizing the promise of electro-biotechnology and enabling Germany to become internationally leading in this important area of bioeconomy and the use of regenerative energy (Power-to-Products).
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
International Connection
Coordination Funds
Agler-Rosenbaum, Miriam
Design of an electrochemical bioproduction system for piperazines
Apfel, Ulf-Peter
Hauer, Bernhard
Lauterbach, Lars
Electrobiochemistry and whole-cell biocatalysis: Power to value-added products through separated anode/cathode reactions
Apfel, Ulf-Peter
Lauterbach, Lars
Tischler, Dirk
Electrochemical fluidized bed reactors for electro-enzymatic syntheses including gaseous phases: Part II. Modelling, Scale-up and in-line process monitoring
Franzreb, Ph.D., Matthias
Enzyme, Electrode and Reactor Design for Enzymatic Cascade Reactions
Apfel, Ulf-Peter
Einsle, Oliver
Fischer, Anna
ESCAPE 2.0: Establishing a scalable bioprocess reactor platform for cathodic obligate anaerobic electrobiosynthesis
Agler-Rosenbaum, Miriam
Harnisch, Falk
Establishing jet loop reactors as scalable bioelectrochemical reactor systems for anodic and cathodic production processes
Gescher, Johannes
Schlüter, Michael
Light-powered bioelectrochemical conversion of CO2 for the synthesis of value-added chemicals based on gas-diffusion electrodes and enzyme cascades
Schuhmann, Wolfgang
Magnetite anodes to inhibit oxygen production and to circumvent membranes in microbial electrosynthesis
Angenent, Ph.D., Largus
Kappler, Andreas
MRI as a method for the quantitative analysis of live electroactive biofilms
Dreher, Wolfgang
Kerzenmacher, Sven
Multistep Bioelectrochemical Reaction Cascade in Continuously Operated Flow Reactors (BioElectroFlow)
Fiedler, Bodo
Liese, Andreas
Next Generation electroenzymatic cascades for complex molecules (NGeCascades)
Lütz, Stephan
Nett, Markus
Waldvogel, Siegfried R.
Novel electron transfer pathways in Ralstonia eutropha
Holtmann, Dirk
Lenz, Oliver
optiMEET – Optimisation of mediated extracellular electron transfer for Cupriavidus necator
Holtmann, Dirk
Lenz, Oliver
Power to value-added products via electro-biotechnology: Production of bulk chemicals by combining electrochemical and biocatalytic steps in “one-pot” with “green” electricity
Gröger, Harald
Schäfer, Helmut
Rational design of 3-D electroenzymatic electrodes comprising novel enzymatic cascade and NADP(H) co-factor regeneration
Bornscheuer, Uwe T.
Vidakovic-Koch, Tanja
Systems metabolic engineering of Hydrogenophaga pseudoflava for aerobic biosynthesis of fatty acids using CO2 and electron carriers in a novel bioelectrochemical system
Blombach, Bastian
Gescher, Johannes
Tailored cell embedment for enhanced continuous microbial electrosynthesis (Conti-eBiotech)
Krull, Rainer
Schröder, Uwe
Tunable electro-fermentation using metabolically engineered Pseudomonas putida
Krömer, Jens
Wittmann, Christoph
Understanding Benefits and Trade-offs in Coupling Cathodic and Anodic Processes in Continuous Electroenzymatic Reaction Cascades
Plumeré, Nicolas
Sieber, Volker
Valorization of carbon dioxide by electrocatalytic reduction coupled to acetogens via multiple electron carriers (Ecat-acetogens II)
Fellinger, Tim-Patrick
Weuster-Botz, Dirk