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TRR 285:  Method development for mechanical joinability in versatile process chains

Subject Area Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Term since 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 418701707
Joinability is often the key to efficient production processes of component structures. In order to efficiently realise the increasing variety of products through different materials and construction methods via a process chain, its versatility is required, especially if resilience to changes in supply chains is to be ensured. A versatile process chain, i.e. a sequence of all the necessary processes and process steps for product creation, enables targeted changes to be made to the semi-finished product, the joining area, the component or the joining process that exceed the originally planned extent while still ensuring joinability. The growing number of material-geometry combinations (MGCs) requires not only a reliable prediction of the joinability but also, and in particular, a versatility of the mechanical joining processes. The transregional collaborative research center 285 (TCRC285) uses the example of mechanical joints to research scientific methods for versatility in the three areas of material (joining suitability), design (joining safety) and production (joining possibility) as well as for reliable prediction and design of the joinability. With a view to the numerous MGC, tolerant and quickly adaptable solutions to different joining conditions and disturbance variables are required through the development of joining processes. In the long term, a flexible and transferable design methodology will be available that offers the possibility of selecting processes and designing joints for new joining tasks, creating material solutions suitable for joining and also predicting the achievable mechanical properties of the joints in advance. Forming and pre-hole-free mechanical joining processes are particularly efficient, the fundamentals of these were investigated in the first funding period. Research into the complex cause-effect relationships in the mechanical joining of aluminium, steel and fibre-reinforced plastic composites (FRP) has created the basis for a holistic prediction of the joinability of a joint, from the material properties of the parts to be joined to the joining processes and the adjusted property profile. In the second funding period of TCRC285, the interactions between the preceding manufacturing steps and the joint load bearing capacity are therefore to be researched with a focus on processes and materials, in order to create the foundations for achieving the versatility of the mechanical joining processes, also with novel process approaches, and a transferable design methodology for mechanically joined joints. The vision is to ensure mechanical joinability for all realistic requirement profiles in versatile process chains without setup effort or physical validation tests by creating suitable methods.
DFG Programme CRC/Transregios

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Applicant Institution Universität Paderborn

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