Project Details
Outdoor Architectural Museums 1880–1930: Contact zones of regional and national architecture in transnational exchange
Professor Dr. Arnold Bartetzky; Professorin Dr. Cornelia Jöchner (†)
Subject Area
Art History
from 2019 to 2022
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 417645871
Outdoor Architectural Museums 1880–1930: Contact zones of regional and national architecture in transnational exchangeOutdoor architectural museums in the decades before and after 1900 were monumental complexes intended to give a realistic presentation of the previously underrepresented rural architectural culture of a country or region. Such architectural museums, especially those representing the periphery, were frequently set up in in various European countries in connection with national exhibitions and museums. In contrast to previous research, the project focuses on their dual perspective, for they functioned both internally as cultural self-affirmation and externally as a way of presenting the region’s own culture to the outside world. The project examines four ensembles still in existence today: Turin (1884), Budapest (1896), Helsinki (1909) and Barcelona (1929). The popular synthetic structures built with scientific ambition and related to the emerging modern cultural disciplines represented building types threatened by modernization and/or regarded as worthy of veneration. Within the dynamic exhibitions, they formed heterotopes which, instead of being in opposition to modern architecture, assumed a complementary role. Given that the exhibitions of this era competed with each other, the peripheries of the various countries also became spaces of negotiation. For the first time, the project examines the peculiarity of these architectural museum ensembles as a transnational and transdisciplinary entangled history.
DFG Programme
Research Grants