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FOR 2959:  Health literacy in early childhood allergy prevention: parental competencies and public health context in a shifting evidence landscape (HELICAP)

Subject Area Medicine
Term since 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 409800133
HELICAP is a research project with sub-projects at five locations in Germany (Magdeburg University Hospital, Brandenburg Medical School, Hanover Medical School, University of Regensburg, Mainz University Hospital). HELICAP is dedicated to researching Health Literacy (HL). The research project entered its second funding phase in 2024. Strengthening health literacy (HL) has become a priority public health action field in Germany. This political claim has gained momentum by evidence linking higher levels of HL to better health outcomes and research showing that more than half of the German population has difficulty dealing with health information and navigating the health care system. In contemporary public health research, HL is mostly operationalized as knowledge, competence, and motivation of an individual person to access, understand, appraise and apply health information to make good health-related decisions. Several challenges arise from this way of framing HL. There is a need to recognize personal needs and limitations not only of the general population but also of specific target groups such as populations at risk to consider the complex social, ethical, ecological, and systemic forces affecting health decisions, to further clarify the role of emerging scientific evidence and professional expertise within public health efforts to advance the measurement of HL and to address uncertain evidence and recommendations. The research group HELICAP uses early childhood allergy prevention (ECAP) and COVID-19 in children with allergies (COVICAL) to investigate the named challenges. Both ECAP and COVICAL are characterized by substantial uncertainty. Based on a modified conceptual model of HL in which social, environmental, situational and personal determinants are emphasized HELICAP investigates HL in seven distinct work packages, coordinated by the Scientific Coordination Center (SCC). The SCC implements the joint work programme of the HELICAP group according to three main tasks: (1) Facilitating stakeholder participation, aided by a Public Health Engagement and Involvement Board (PHEIB), a Scientific Public Health Advisory Board (SPHAB) (2) Conducting accompanying research through conversation analysis as well as participant observation of the interdisciplinary discourse during board meetings and evaluation of HELICAP workshops and (3) Synthesis and integration of findings including a synopsis of educational and system-level interventions as HELICAP becomes more interventional in the second funding phase. Further, we will attempt to specify the HL model already modified in the first funding phase for our HL-use cases ECAP and COVICAL. HELICAP workshops, boardmeetings and early career researcher workshops will ensure that space is continuously provided for interdisciplinary scientific discourse.
DFG Programme Research Units
International Connection United Kingdom



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