Targeting endocannabinoid receptors in atherosclerosis and metabolic dysfunction
Subject Area
Cardiology, Angiology
since 2018
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 238187445
In Aim 1 of this funding period, we will further investigate the underlying molecular pathways of CB1-dependent effects in atherosclerosis and translate these findings to a clinically more relevant model by treating mice with a peripheral CB1 antagonist. A novel emerging target to counterbalance atherogenic inflammation is the non-classical cannabinoid-sensitive receptor GPR55. In Aim 2, we plan to generate GPR55 floxed mice for clarifying the cell-specific functions of this receptor in atherosclerosis. In Aim 3, we will explore the functional relevance of the newly discovered neuropeptide ligand PACAP27-GPR55 signaling axis in vitro and in vivo.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres