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GRK 2530:  Biota-mediated effects on Carbon cycling in Estuaries

Subject Area Plant Sciences
Microbiology, Virology and Immunology
Term since 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 407270017
The major scientific aim of RTG2530 is to gain insights into the role of biological drivers for estuarine carbon (C) cycling, both for current and potential future environmental conditions. Estuaries are recognized as global C cycle hotspots. Understanding the role of biota and biotic interactions for C cycling in estuaries will improve projections on the future estuarine C balance. Founded on our research programme, the mission of RTG2530 to to provide doctoral and postdoctoral researchers with an outstanding platform for their career development. In the 1st cohort of doctoral researchers, processes were analysed under current environmental conditions along major gradients of the Elbe Estuary. The 2nd cohort of doctoral researchers mainly investigates effects of global change on biota-mediated effects on C cycling in estuaries. Altogether, we gained novel in-depth knowledge on rhizosphere and phycosphere processes and their role for C cycling. In the second funding phase, doctoral researchers of the 3rd cohort and postdoctoral researchers will analyse biota-mediated effects on C cycling in three research themes (RTs): In RT-T we have a major focus on trophic interactions and C cycling in estuarine channels, tidal marshes, and alluvial forests. In RT-C, we will continue and strengthen our efforts regarding biota-mediated aquatic-terrestrial coupling. Finally, in RT-U empirical and modelling approaches will be used to upscale effects of biota and their interactions on estuarine C cycling in time and space. RTG2530 offers individually tailored qualification for doctoral researchers consisting of specific scientific courses (e.g. lecture and seminar series, lab and field days, annual retreats, international scientific workshops), courses on general academic skills (e.g. good scientific practice, scientific presentation and writing, research data management), and courses on other relevant topics often challenging doctoral researchers (ranging from self- and time management and mental health to diversity and equity in science). Regarding supervision, we will continue with our supervision committees in which a 1st and a 2nd supervisor and a committee chair give regular feedback to the doctoral researchers on their status. As a novel component, experienced postdoctoral researchers aiming at developing scientific independence will be additionally involved in the supervision committees in the 2nd funding phase. Overall, RTG2530 is promoting high-quality research, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration among doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, and supporting international orientation of its members. With our qualification and supervision strategy, we further continue to promote diversity and equity.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution Universität Hamburg

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