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Citizen committees in Aachen in the late period of the Old Empire. Civic participation attempts between communal liberalism and clientelism

Subject Area Early Modern History
Term from 2018 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 405222537
Final Report Year 2023

Final Report Abstract

The "Aachener Mäkelei" contemporarily refers to a conflict in the imperial city of Aachen in the prior and during the French Revolution. It primarily draws its prominence from the sharp antagonism of the competing groups. According to the current status of the dissertation that is projected on the topic, the events escalating to violence since 1786 reflect frictions in the urban society, which suggest an ongoing estrangement of traditional and new elites. The symptoms become visible through different forms of socialization and sociability. Some of them effectuated over a long period of time, thus overlasting generations. While the supporters of the opposition that became irreconcilably critical of the council were mostly to be found in the milieu of supra-regionally networked merchants, the citizens' committee set up in 1779, which was originally intended to calm the conflict between the council and the citizenry, offered a suitable institutional basis. Even though the intentions of the Council's opponents do not fully become transparent, either as a whole or individually, it can be concluded that the notion of participation went beyond material interest and social prestige. The opponents sought to mobilize the urban population both out of inclination and calculus in order to gain a broad social and legitimatory basis. Even though the events in Aachen from July 1789 onwards took place at the same time as the revolutionary events in nearby France, one must conclude that the local conflicts arose from a specific dynamic. Irrespective of the dependence on interests and the programmatic inadequacy of the hopes for reform that had been harbored since 1786, the events in Aachen embodied a tendency towards the democratization of society. This urban or municipal liberalism must therefore be classified as part of the change in political culture in Germany during the so-called "Sattelzeit".


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