Project Details
Linguistic Landscapes at the margins: Performativity of ethnic belonging and memory politics in Croatian post-conflict border regions
Dr. Roswitha Kersten-Pejanic
Subject Area
Social and Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology
Individual Linguistics, Historical Linguistics
Individual Linguistics, Historical Linguistics
from 2018 to 2023
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 401363951
Final Report Year
No abstract available
Sprachliche Landschaften fern der Zentren: Erinnerungsdiskurse im öffentlichen Raum Kroatiens, in: Lederer, Ivana, Anna- Maria Meyer and Katrin Schlund (eds.), Linguistische Beiträge zur Slavistik XXVI. und XXVII. JungslavistInnen-Treffen, Berlin 2020, 209-218
Kersten-Pejanić, Roswitha
Prevailing Nationalist Tensions ind Post-Conflict Border Regions in Croatia: A Linguistic Landscape Study of Ethnic Belonging, in: Универзитет „Св. Кирил у Методиј“ во Скопје, Институт за национална историја – Скопје / SS. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Institute of National History, Skopje (Hg.), Балканската Историографија и современите предизвиди/ Тhe Balkan Historiography of and Contemporary Challenges: Proceedings of the International Scholarly Symposium held on the 70th Anniversary the Institute of National History – Skopje, November 9-10, 2018, Skopje 2021, 327-341
Kersten-Pejanić, Roswitha
Nicht dramatisieren, nicht bagatellisieren – sondern aufzeigen. Reflexionen zur Positionierung in der südosteuropäischen Konfliktforschung. Südost-Forschungen, 81(1), 72-94.
Kersten-Pejanić, Roswitha
The Good, the Bad, and the Needy: Discourses of Helpfulness after the 2020 Earthquakes in Croatia. Comparative Southeast European Studies, 70(1), 103-124.
Kersten-Pejanić, Roswitha
Der Krieg der Zeichen: Die Erforschung semiotischer Landschaften als Beitrag zur Historischen Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, in: Daniel Gerster, Jan Hansen, Susanne Schregel (Hg.), Historische Friedens- und Konfliktforschung: Die Quadratur des Kreises?, Frankfurt/New York 2023, 287-309
Kersten-Pejanic, Roswitha
Lands of (Banal) Nationalism: Epistemological Issues in the Classification of Nationalism(s) in a Post-conflict Semiotic Landscape, in: Christian Voß, Katerina Kralova, Sabina Ferhadbegović (Hg.), Memory Cultures in Southeast Europe since 1945. Proceedings of the International Academic Week at Tutzing, October 2021, Südosteuropa-Jahrbuch, 47, Berlin 2023, 139-155
Roswitha Kersten-Pejanić