EGFR-gerichtete Polyglycerin-ummantelte multifunktionale mizellare Wirkstoffkonjugate für die Präzisions-Krebs-Chemotherapie
Professor Dr. Rainer Haag
Fachliche Zuordnung
Biologische und Biomimetische Chemie
Förderung von 2018 bis 2021
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 392192146
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
J. Control. Release, 2019, 300, 13-21. Reductively cleavable polymer-drug conjugates based on dendritic polyglycerol sulfate and monomethyl auristatin E as anticancer drugs
N. Rades, K. Achazi, M. Qiu, C. Deng, R. Haag, Z. Zhong, K. Licha
J. Control Release, 2020, 329, 676-695. Actively targeted nanomedicines for precision cancer therapy: Concept, construction, challenges and clinical translation
W. Gu, F. Meng, R. Haag, Z. Zhong
Adv. Mater. 2021, 33, 2007787. Daratumumab Immunopolymersome-Enabled Safe and CD38-Targeted Chemotherapy and Depletion of Multiple Myeloma
N. Yu, Y. Zhang, J. Li, W. Gu, S. Yue, B. Li, F. Meng, H. Sun, R. Haag, J. Yuan, Z. Zhong
Biomacromolecules 2021, 22, 6, 2625–2640. A toolbox of biodegradable dendritic (poly glycerol sulfate)-SS-poly(ester) micelles for cancer treatment: stability, drug release, and tumor targeting
D. Braatz, M. Dimde, G. Ma, Y. Zhong, M. Tully, C. Grötzinger, Y. Zhang, A. Mavroskoufis, M. Schirner, Z. Zhong, M. Ballauff, R. Haag
J. Control Release, 2021, 340, 331-341. An intelligent cell-selective polymersome-DM1 nanotoxin toward triple negative breast cancer
Y. Zhang, S. Yue, R. Haag, H. Sun, Z. Zhong