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Ensuring Robustness in Low-Power Asynchronous Circuits - ENROL

Subject Area Electronic Semiconductors, Components and Circuits, Integrated Systems, Sensor Technology, Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Term from 2018 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 389059471
Final Report Year 2023

Final Report Abstract

The main goal of ENROL project was to ensure robustness in efficient asynchronous circuits, systematically classifying and extending transient-fault mitigation techniques to circuit and architecture level with a broad coverage. The ENROL approach was bottom-up, starting with a comprehensive fault modeling, up to a quantitative simulative assessment of their respective effectiveness, thus allowing comparisons and further optimization. The project concepts went beyond the simplified and today unrealistic limits of single-event transients. The ENROL approach proposed Asynchronous Full Error Detection and Correction (AFEDC) architecture, that has shown excellent fault tolerance features, followed by improved metastability protection, comparable performances, and reduced power consumption and area complexity compared to the corresponding synchronous solutions. Moreover, multi-bit errors were addressed in ENROL both at the physical i.e. spatial level as well as the architectural level. The complete development process have been addressed as well, proposing the designflow that enables implementation of corresponding fault tolerant asynchronous circuits. The achieved results could be the basis for more efficient and robust asynchronous bundled data circuits. The ENROL project has achieved its main targets and it is considered as very successful and baseline for the further research in the domain of reliable asynchronous logic design.



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