Projekt Druckansicht

Von der Natur lernen: Energiegewinnung und Intersymbol-Interferenzmitigation mittels Wiederaufnahme von informationstragenden Molekülen in diffusionsbasierten Molekularen Kommunikationssystemen

Fachliche Zuordnung Elektronische Halbleiter, Bauelemente und Schaltungen, Integrierte Systeme, Sensorik, Theoretische Elektrotechnik
Förderung Förderung von 2017 bis 2022
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 386974524
Erstellungsjahr 2022

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

n this project, SMC was studied with the goal to better understand its fundamental operating principles in communication theoretic terms and learn for the design of synthetic MC systems. To this end, an analytical channel model for SMC has been developed in work package 1 to identify the fundamental limits for synaptic signal transmission in the tripartite synapse in the presence of presynaptic and glial cell NT uptake. The impact of the competition of NTs for postsynaptic receptors (and vice versa) on the statistics of the received signal in SMC was studied in work package 2. It was shown that considering the competition between NTs and receptors, respectively, is important for understanding the synaptic signal transmission. In work package 3, a generic model for postsynaptic receptors encompassing a wide range of natural postsynaptic receptor types was studied and the impact of the different receptor kinetics on the received signal was explored. A generic model for the impact of the biophysical parameters of the synapse on the statistics of the electrochemical downstream signal in SMC was proposed in work package 4 and it was revealed that the autocovariance of the postsynaptic receptor activation plays an important role in SMC. The concept of molecule harvesting as it is observed in SMC was analyzed in a generic synthetic MC context in work package 5 and fundamental trade-offs between the harvesting of signaling molecules and the expected received signal were identified. Finally, in work package 6, the potential of NTs as signaling molecules for synthetic MC in comparison with other potential signaling molecules was studied along with possible transmitter and receiver architectures. In summary, the project outcomes contribute to the understanding of the fundamental constraints and trade-offs in natural SMC systems imposed by the constitutive biophysical processes. At the same time, the potential of SMC as a blueprint for synthetic MC systems was explored in the course of the project and the obtained results are expected to enable novel directions in the open quest for synthetic MC system design.

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