Historisch-kritische Wieland-Edition
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
To this day, there exists no historical-critical edition of Wieland's complete works. The editions in the 19th and 20th centuries presented more or less selected works; The 12-volume edition of the Deutscher Klassiker Verlag, which began in 1986, remained unfinished for economic reasons. The same happened with the historical and critical edition – called Wielands Gesammelte Schriften (shortened AA) – conceived by Bernhard Seuffert and started at the beginning of the 20th century. Moreover, this fragmentary edition in no way corresponds to current philological standards. Therefore, the project had to be stopped at the end of the 1990s. This gave room for a modern philological concept to realize an updated and completed arrangement of the surviving sources and authorized prints of Wieland's works. This historical-critical edition of Wieland's works (WOA) now presents the complete works in an integrated form (1) and contains all of Wieland's lyrical and prosaic works as well as his translations by foreign authors in chronological order (2) based on the first editions (3). The edition is calculated on 36 double volumes, each comprising a volume with the author's texts and a volume with the critical apparatus with a commentary.