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SpraySyn Standard Burner: Definition, Simulation, Characterization

Subject Area Chemical and Thermal Process Engineering
Energy Process Engineering
Term from 2017 to 2025
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 375220870
The investigation of spray flame synthesis of nanoparticles on a well-defined standard burner by experiment and simulation is the central idea of the SPP. For this purpose, a burner was constructed that combines a geometry suitable for experiment and simulation with good optical access and simple boundary conditions, thus enabling a close exchange between experiment and simulation - for a deeper understanding of the process but also for mutual validation of the calculation and measurement methods. This burner was manufactured several times and made available to all relevant groups of the SPP, operating conditions were defined and procedures for quality assurance were established. The burner is now to be developed systematically, further interesting standard operating conditions are to be established, and problems for measurement and simulation are to be solved, e.g., by reducing the occurring flame pulsation. For these burner developments, methods for the measurement of spray properties, gas-phase velocities, and chemiluminescence are used, partly also with high speed diagnostics. The applicants have a laboratory with permanently installed burners and corresponding diagnostics; this laboratory is also made available to other project partners. This will allow joint measurement campaigns to generate simultaneous data sets with complementary measurement techniques.In addition to the standard experiment, the present central project is also developing a total simulation, in which submodels and materials properties from the various subprojects of the SPP are to be integrated in order to test the influence of these models on a stable standard configuration. At the same time, this standard simulation also allows to evaluate planned modifications of the burner in a relatively uncomplicated way. Finally, a database was implemented by the central project to document, comment and archive essential results of the entire SPP. The content and functionality of the database is to be further expanded, and the quality of the data sets contained and their documentation is to be constantly improved by a curator. With this database, the central project brings together the knowledge gained in the SPP and makes the results available in a scope that goes far beyond classical publications. Ultimately, this database is to be established as a standard and reference, backed by a comprehensive data set, which will have an impact far beyond the duration and partners of the SPP and thus promote the research and development of spray flame based nanoparticle synthesis in the long term.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes

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