Die Interaktion von bayesianischer Pragmatik und lexikalischer Semantik im Sprachverstehen: Eine Untersuchung probabilistischer Vorhersagen von Hörern mithilfe ereigniskorrelierter Potentiale
Professor Dr. Markus Werning
Fachliche Zuordnung
Allgemeine und Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft, Experimentelle Linguistik, Typologie, Außereuropäische Sprachen
Theoretische Philosophie
Theoretische Philosophie
Förderung von 2017 bis 2023
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 367110651
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Reading words hurts: the impact of pain sensitivity on people’s ratings of pain-related words. Language and Cognition, 9(3), 553-567.
Negative Properties in First-Degree Entailment with Constructible Negation and an Extensional Semantics. Proceedings of the Logic Colloquium 2017, Stockholm. Association for Symbolic Logic
Unterhuber, M.
The interaction of Bayesian pragmatics and lexical semantics in linguistic interpretation: Using event-related potentials to investigate hearers’ probabilistic predictions. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 39, 3504–3509
Werning, M. & Cosentino, E.
The Time-Course of Sentence Meaning Composition. N400 Effects of the Interaction between Context-Induced and Lexically Stored Affordances. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(c(2017, 5, 26)).
Cosentino, Erica; Baggio, Giosuè; Kontinen, Jarmo & Werning, Markus
Evidence for Single-Type Semantics—An Alternative To $e$/$t$-Based Dual-Type Semantics. Journal of Semantics (c(2018, 8, 15)).
Liefke, Kristina & Werning, Markus
Introduction: Origin and Evolution of Language—An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Topoi, 37(2), 219-234.
Ferretti, Francesco; Adornetti, Ines; Chiera, Alessandra; Cosentino, Erica & Nicchiarelli, Serena
Artifacts and affordances. Synthese, 198(S17), 4007-4026.
Cosentino, Erica
Bayesian Pragmatics Provides the Best Quantitative Model of Context Effects on Word Meaning in EEG and Cloze Data. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 41, 3085–3091
Werning, M.; Unterhuber, M. & Wiedemann, G.
Introduction to the special issue “Logical perspectives on science and cognition”. Synthese, 197(4), 1381-1390.
Feldbacher-Escamilla, Christian J.; Gebharter, Alexander; Brössel, Peter & Werning, Markus
Investigating the Comprehension of Negated Sentences Employing World Knowledge: An Event-Related Potential Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(c(2019, 10, 17)).
Haase, Viviana; Spychalska, Maria & Werning, Markus
Processing of affirmation and negation in contexts with unique and multiple alternatives: Evidence from event-related potentials. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 41, 2845-2851
Spychalska, M.; Haase, V.; Kontinen, J. & Werning, M.
When numbers are not exact: Ambiguity and prediction in the processing of sentences with bare numerals.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45(7), 1177-1204.
Spychalska, Maria; Kontinen, Jarmo; Noveck, Ira; Reimer, Ludmila & Werning, Markus
Rewarding one’s Future Self: Psychological Connectedness, Episodic Prospection, and a Puzzle about Perspective. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 11(2), 449-467.
McCarroll, Christopher Jude & Cosentino, Erica
Self-Control, Mental Time Travel, and the Temporally Extended Self. Surrounding Self-Control (c(2020, 9, 3)), 434-452. Oxford University PressNew York.
Cosentino, Erica
Experiential Imagination and the Inside/Outside-Distinction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2021), 96-112. Springer International Publishing.
Liefke, Kristina & Werning, Markus
The Cost of the Epistemic Step: Investigating Scalar Implicatures in Full and Partial Information Contexts. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(c(2021, 7, 19)).
Spychalska, Maria; Reimer, Ludmila; Schumacher, Petra B. & Werning, Markus
Constructing a Wider View on Memory. Philosophical Perspectives on Memory and Imagination (c(2022, 10, 26)), 165-190. Routledge.
Peeters, Anco; Cosentino, Erica & Werning, Markus
Does the character-based dimension of stories impact narrative processing? An event-related potentials (ERPs) study. Cognitive Processing, 23(2), 255-267.
Chiera, Alessandra; Adornetti, Ines; Altavilla, Daniela; Acciai, Alessandro; Cosentino, Erica; Deriu, Valentina; McCarroll, Christopher; Nicchiarelli, Serena; Preziotti, Viviana & Ferretti, Francesco
Resisting temptation and overcoming procrastination: The roles of mental time travel and metacognition. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 21(4), 791-811.
Cosentino, Erica; McCarroll, Christopher Jude & Michaelian, Kourken
Factivity Variation in Episodic Memory Reports. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2023), 110-127. Springer Nature Switzerland.
Liefke, Kristina & Werning, Markus
Modelling the Integration of Co-Speech Gestures into Sentence Meaning Composition. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 45, 625–631
Reimer, L. & Werning, M.