Information processing in neuronal brain networks takes place at specialised contact sites, termed synapses. Synapses are highly diverse, and their function is incompletely understood. The aim of this Collaborative Research Centre is to study the structural and functional properties of identified synapses in the brain and to understand how their properties shape the dynamic activity of neuronal networks. This Collaborative Research Centre will concentrate on cortical neuronal networks. In particular, this Collaborative Research Centre aims three long-term goals. The first goal is to understand the mechanisms of signal transmission of identified glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses. The second goal is to examine modulation, functional plasticity and structural plasticity at synaptical junctions. The third goal is to acquire information about neuronal activity in vivo and to use this information, together with information about synaptic function obtained in vitro, to develop realistic network models. The interactive experimental-theoretical approach is likely to lead to a substantial increase in our understanding of neuronal network function at a quantitative level. The interdisciplinary research programme aims to clarify these central questions of neuroscience with characterisation of neuronal networks using molecular, genetic, morphological, functional and imaging techniques. The studies will cover investigations from simple animal models up to the human brain. The long-term goal is to understand the synaptical basis of higher brain functions and to get closer to a central goal of neurosciences.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
International Connection
Completed projects
A01 - The function of presynaptic Cav2 Ca2+ channels
(Project Head
Klugbauer, Norbert
A02 - Role of metabotropic receptors and their effector Kir3 channels in synaptic transmission
(Project Head
Kulik, Akos
A03 - Analysis of the protein microdomains of the voltage-activated N-type Ca2+ channel Cav2.2 in the CNS
(Project Head
Fakler, Bernd
A04 - Relation between structure and function of hippocampal mossy fiber synapses
(Project Heads
Frotscher, Michael
Jonas, Peter
A05 - Mechanisms of GABA release from synaptic terminals of inhibitory hippocampal interneurons
(Project Head
Jonas, Peter
B01 - Role of Parkinson's Disease-associated genes in polarized sorting and synapse dynamics modulating behavioral plasticity
(Project Head
Baumeister, Ralf
B02 - Role of TGF-â in the development and function of neuronal networks
(Project Head
Krieglstein, Kerstin
B03 - Dendritic signal processing in hippocampal granule cells
(Project Head
Bischofberger, Josef
B04 - Molecular Analysis of Synaptic AMPA Receptor Transport
(Project Head
Klöcker, Nikolaj
B05 - The role of Reelin in the regulation of synaptic transmission, neuronal plasticity, memory, and learning
(Project Heads
Bock, Hans Henrich
Frotscher, Michael
Herz, Joachim
B06 - Formation and function of olfactory neural circuits involving dopaminergic input
(Project Heads
Driever, Wolfgang
Friedrich, Rainer
C01 - Topographic maps and their synaptic circuits in modular and nonmodular (disorganized) rodent barrel cortex
(Project Heads
Hennig, Jürgen
Staiger, Jochen Ferdinand
C02 - Signal integration in the dentate gyrus under physiological and pathophysiological conditions
(Project Heads
Haas, Carola A.
Wolfart, Jakob
C03 - Phase relations between single neuron activity and local field potential oscillations in the human hippocampal formation during spatial and verbal memory tasks
(Project Heads
Hefft, Stefan
Schulze-Bonhage, Andreas
C04 - Influence of columnar and laminar synaptic connectivity patterns on spontaneous and stimulus-induced network dynamics in rat sensory neocortex
(Project Heads
Aertsen, Adrianus
Boucsein, Clemens
Rotter, Stefan
C05 - Cortical Networks, Stroke Recovery, Functional Neuroimaging, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
(Project Heads
Lange, Rüdiger
Weiller, Cornelius
Z - Central Administration
(Project Head
Jonas, Peter