Project Details
Leveraging the genome sequences of two Arabidopsis relatives for evolutionary and ecological genomics (ERA-PG 058)
Dr. Barbara Neuffer; Professor Detlef Weigel, Ph.D.
Subject Area
Plant Genetics and Genomics
from 2007 to 2010
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 35962009
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
2008. Repeated Adaptive Introgression at a Gene under Multiallelic Balancing Selection. PLoS Genetics, Vol. 4.2008, Issue 8: e1000168.
Castric, V., Bechsgaard, J., Schierup, M. H. Vekemans, X.
2008. Transmission ratio distortion in Arabidopsis lyrata: effects of population divergence and the S-locus Heredity, Vol. 100. 2008, pp. 71-78.
Leppälä, J., Bechsgaard, J., Schierup, M., Savolainen, O.
2009. Expression of Distinct Self-Incompatibility Specificities in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetics, Vol. 182. 2009, Issue 4, pp. 1313-1321.
Boggs N.A., Dwyer K.G., Shah P., McCulloch A.A., Bechsgaard J., Schierup M.H., Nasrallah M.E., Nasrallah J.B.
2009. Local adaptation in European populations of Arabidopsis lyrata (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany, Vol. 96. 2009, no. 6, pp. 1129-1137.
Leinonen, P. H., Sandring, S., Quilot, B., Clauss, M. J., Mitchell-Olds, T., Ågren,J., Savolainen, O.
2009. Recent speciation of Capsella rubella from Capsella grandiflora, associated with loss of self-incompatibility and an extreme bottleneck. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, Vol. 106. 2009, no. 13, pp. 5246–5251.
Guo Y.L., Bechsgaard J.S., Slotte T., Neuffer B., Lascoux M., Weigel D., Schierup M.H.
2010. Investigating the effects of topography and clonality on genetic structuring within a large Norwegian population of Arabidopsis lyrata. Annals of Botany, Vol. 106. 2010, Issue 2, Pp. 243-254.
Lundemo, S., Stenøien, H. Savolainen, O.
2010. Molecular evolution within and between self-incompatibility specificities. Molecular Biology and Evolution, Vol. 27. 2010, Issue 1, Pp. 11-20.
V. Castric, JS. Bechsgaard , S. Grenier , R. Noureddine, MH Schierup, X. Vekemans
2010. The rate and molecular spectrum of spontaneous mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana. Science, Vol. 327. 2010, no. 5961, pp. 92-94.
Ossowski S., Schneeberger K., Lucas-Lledo J.I., Warthmann N., Clark R.M., Shaw R.G., Weigel D., Lynch M.
2011. Evolution of the S-locus region in Arabidopsis relatives. Plant Physiology, Vol. 157. 2011, no. 2, pp. 937-946.
Guo Y.L., Zhao X., Lanz C., Weigel D.
2011. Genetics and evolution of the selfing syndrome in the genus Capsella. The Plant Cell, Vol. 23. 2011, no. 9, pp. 3156-3171.
Sicard, A., Stacey, N., Hermann, K., Dessoly, J., Neuffer, B., Bäurle, I., Lenhard, M.
2011. Genetics, evolution, and adaptive significance of the selfing syndrome in the genus Capsella. Plant Cell, vol. 23. 2011, no. 9, pp. 3156-3171.
Sicard A., Stacey N., Hermann K., Dessoly J., Neuffer B., Bäurle I., Lenhard M.
2011. Journey through the past: 150 million years of plant genome evolution. The Plant Journal, Special Issue: The Plant Genome: An Evolutionary View on Structure and Function, Vol. 66. 2011, Issue 1, pp. 58–65.
Proost, Sebastian, Pattyn, P., Gerats, T., Van de Peer, Y.
2011. Monitoring population and gene pool dynamics of the annual species Capsella bursa-pastoris (Brassicaceae): a review of relevant species traits and the initiation of a long-term genetic monitoring programme. Biodiversity and Conservation, Vol. 20. 2011, Issue 2, pp. 309-323.
Neuffer, B., Bernhardt, K.-G., Hurka, H., Kropf, M.
2011. Reduced efficacy of natural selection on codon usage bias in selfing Arabidopsis and Capsella species. Genome Biology and Evolution, Vol. 3. 2011, Pp. 868-880.
Qiu, S., K. Zeng, T. Slotte, S. Wright, D. Charlesworth
2011. The Arabidopsis lyrata genome sequence and the basis of rapid genome size change. Nature Genetics, Vol. 43. 2011, pp. 476–481.
Weigel, D., Neuffer, B., van de Peer, Y., et al.
2012. Disentangling the effects of breakdown of self-incompatibility and transition to selfing in North-American Arabidopsis lyrata. Molecular Ecology, Vol. 21. 2012, Issue 5, pp. 1130–1142.
Haudry, A., H.-G. Zha, M. Stift, B.K. Mable