Projekt Druckansicht

Biologische Bodenkrusten als einzigartige Mikroökosysteme sind ein geeignetes Modelsystem um Taxonomie und kryptische Diversität von Mikroalgen aufzuklären

Antragstellerin Dr. Karin Glaser
Fachliche Zuordnung Evolution und Systematik der Pflanzen und Pilze
Förderung Förderung von 2017 bis 2023
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 350173788
Erstellungsjahr 2023

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

The project substantially enhanced the taxonomical understanding of microalgae from biological soil crusts, a unique terrestrial ecosystem driven by the microalgae as primary producers. During the project, in sum 15 new species and variations were described or combined, one of them was even described as a new genus. The research in the frame of this project substantially contributed to the taxonomical understanding of an abundant and ubiquitous alga group in terrestrial ecosystem – the Stichococcus-like microalgae. We extended knowledge of the different newly defined Stichococcus-like genera by ecophysiological experiments and chemical profile of sugar alcohols, which is a suitable tool in the chemotaxonomy of Prasiolaceae. Our extensive research of Stichococcus-like algae in various University collections world-wide led to a large collection of this microalgae in our University. Those partly vague defined species name were correctly assigned by us according to the newest taxonomical revision. Further, we rediscovered an original strain, which was thought to be lost. This strain needs to be included in the still difficult genus Deuterostichococcus. During the course of the project, we described the combination of two species in the Pseudostichoccus. This genus stands out compared to other Stichococcus-like microalgae because of its chemical composition of sugar alcohols, which is also reflected by its high salinity and desiccation tolerance. Overall, the project contributed to the acceleration of naming process in taxonomy, a major goal of the SPP Taxonomics, and the understanding of the taxonomic relationship between morphological similar Stichococcus-like microalgae and its link to their ecophysiological performance.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • New Taxa of Streptophyte Algae (Streptophyta) from Terrestrial Habitats Revealed Using an Integrative Approach. Protist, 169(3), 406-431.
    Mikhailyuk, Tatiana; Lukešová, Alena; Glaser, Karin; Holzinger, Andreas; Obwegeser, Sabrina; Nyporko, Svetlana; Friedl, Thomas & Karsten, Ulf
  • New record of the rare genus Crinalium Crow (Oscillatoriales, Cyanobacteria) from sand dunes of the Baltic Sea, Germany: epitypification and emendation of Crinalium magnum Fritsch et John based on an integrative approach. Phytotaxa, 400(3), 165.
  • Usual alga from unusual habitats: Biodiversity of Klebsormidium (Klebsormidiophyceae, Streptophyta) from the phylogenetic superclade G isolated from biological soil crusts. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 133(c(2019, 4)), 236-255.
    Samolov, Elena; Mikhailyuk, Tatiana; Lukešová, Alena; Glaser, Karin; Büdel, Burkhard & Karsten, Ulf
  • Dictyosphaerium‐like morphotype in terrestrial algae: what is Xerochlorella (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta)?1. Journal of Phycology, 56(3), 671-686.
    Mikhailyuk, Tatiana; Holzinger, Andreas; Tsarenko, Petro; Glaser, Karin; Demchenko, Eduard & Karsten, Ulf
  • A chemosystematic investigation of selected Stichococcus-like organisms (Trebouxiophyta). ALGAE, 36(2), 123-135.
    Van, Anh Tu; Karsten, Ulf & Glaser, Karin
  • The Ecophysiological Performance and Traits of Genera within the Stichococcus-like Clade (Trebouxiophyceae) under Matric and Osmotic Stress. Microorganisms, 9(9), 1816.
    Van, Anh Tu; Sommer, Veronika & Glaser, Karin
  • Pseudostichococcus Stands Out from Its Siblings Due to High Salinity and Desiccation Tolerance. Phycology, 2(1), 108-119.
    Van, Anh Tu & Glaser, Karin
  • The response of selected genera within the Stichococcaceae to desiccation and saline stress, with respect to their taxonomy. PhD Thesis (Univeristy of Rostock)
    Van, A. T.


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