Project Details
FOR 875: History in Popular Cultures of Knowledge
Subject Area
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Social and Behavioural Sciences
from 2007 to 2015
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 34794297
At the turn of the 21st century, the popular representation of history has reached a heyday worldwide. This Research Unit analyses current popularisations of the historical and pre-historical past on the basis of several case studies and aims to develop an interdisciplinary theory that will help to describe and interpret the phenomenon. There will be major emphasis on the socio-cultural functions of popular historical knowledge, its contents and media.
It is a major assumption of this project that knowledge about history is not merely the result of intentional dissemination but rather a product of the informal distribution of popular cultural commodities. At the present time, the dissemination of historical information is characterised by a strong emphasis on an everyday-culture approach: The past is processed in a way that it makes history relevant for the context of the recipient and brings it to life. The disciplines involved in this project are history, archaeology, British and American literary and cultural studies, ethnology as well as media pedagogy.
It is a major assumption of this project that knowledge about history is not merely the result of intentional dissemination but rather a product of the informal distribution of popular cultural commodities. At the present time, the dissemination of historical information is characterised by a strong emphasis on an everyday-culture approach: The past is processed in a way that it makes history relevant for the context of the recipient and brings it to life. The disciplines involved in this project are history, archaeology, British and American literary and cultural studies, ethnology as well as media pedagogy.
DFG Programme
Research Units
- "Absolutt Viking" - Populäre Rezeptionen einer historischen Lebenswelt in der skandinavischen Gegenwartskultur (Applicant Anz, Heinrich )
- Die 1950er Jahre im deutschen Fernsehen: Dokumentarische und semidokumentarische Sendungen vom Ende der 1970er Jahre bis heute (Applicant Paletschek, Sylvia )
- Die Windrush und ihre Folgen: Populäre Re-Konstruktionen einer Black History für das muliethnische Britannien (Applicant Korte, Barbara )
- Geschichte(n) für viele: Historische Lebenswelten in Familien-, Frauen- und Kinderzeitschriften des viktorianischen England (Applicant Korte, Barbara )
- Geschichtstheater: (Re-)Konstruktionen nordamerikanischer historischer Lebenswelten (Applicant Hochbruck, Wolfgang )
- Historische Lebenswelten in illustrierten Zeitschriften des 19. Jahrhunderts (Deutschland, ca. 1850-1914/18) (Applicant Paletschek, Sylvia )
- Historische Lebenswelten in populären Wissenskulturen der Gegenwart (Applicant Korte, Barbara )
- Inszenierungen historischer Lebenswelten in Themen- und Kulturparks: Spiegelungen des 'Eigenen' und des 'Fremden' im europäisch-asiatischen Vergleich (Applicant Schlehe, Judith )
- Kelten, Römer und Germanen: Konstruktionen antiker Lebenswelten in Kontexten politischer Sinnstiftungen (Applicant Sénécheau, Miriam )
- Napoleon, Borodino und der 'Vaterländische Krieg': Geschichtspopularisierungen im Kontext nationaler Identitätsfindung in Russland (Applicant Cheauré, Elisabeth )
- Populäre Geschichtskulturen in Indonesien: Aktuelle Vergangenheitsbezüge im Kontext von Demokratisierung und Dezentralisierung (Applicant Schlehe, Judith )
- Populäre Mittelalter-Konstruktionen in der deutschen 'Mittelalter-Szene' (Applicant Hochbruck, Wolfgang )
Professorin Dr. Barbara Korte; Professorin Dr. Sylvia Paletschek