Projekt Druckansicht

ICDP Project SUSTAIN (Forschungsbohrung auf der Vulkaninsel Surtsey): Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Entstehung und zur thermischen Geschichte von Surtsey

Fachliche Zuordnung Paläontologie
Mineralogie, Petrologie und Geochemie
Förderung Förderung von 2017 bis 2020
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 341877907
Erstellungsjahr 2022

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

With the aim to provide constraints for a better understanding of the Surtsey eruptions 50 years ago and to find answers to still open questions about the eruption mechanisms, the energetics, and the production of volcanic ash by subaerial and submarine processes, fragmentation experiments were conducted using representative basaltic melt at magmatic temperatures. The experiments cover explosive magmatic and phreatomagmatic fragmentation and thermal granulation by non-explosive interaction of melt and watery coolants. Thermal granulation experiments have been performed in a calorimeter, thus information on the thermal history of the products (i.e. hyaloclastites) emerged. A long-term hydrothermal calorimetric experiment using fresh, experimentally produced glass particles was conducted to investigate the syneruptive and early post eruptive thermal history. Samples from about 150 experiments that produced typus particles have been compared to their natural analogues. Additional fragmentation experiments were performed to investigate the influence of hydrothermal steam on the eruption. Main results of the project: Subarial products are clearly dominated by phreatomagmatic fragmentation. The submarine hyaloclastic pile was formed by thermal granulation. Therefore, the high temperature hydrothermal system was very shortlived. Todays hydrothermal activity may be explained by exothermal alteration of basaltic glass particles. The hydrothermal potential of Surtsey-type volcanic islands might be used for general heating purposes (housing and greenhouses), but not for electrical power production.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Pyroclast-forming submarine volcanism: Mechanisms and Hazard Potential. GeoBremen 2017, Abstracts, Session 1.1, A-211, p.17
    Zimanowski, B.; Büttner,R. F.; White, J. D. L. & Gudmundsson, M. T.
  • Deep submarine explosive eruptions? Exploring the driving mechanisms for production of ash during the 1 km-deep Havre 2012 eruption, Kermadec arc. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2018, pp. V23J-0179)
    Dürig, T.; White, J. D.; Murch, A. P.; Mele, D.; Zimanowski, B.; Büttner, R. & Dellino, P.
  • ICDP SUSTAIN drilling at Surtsey volcano: A time-lapse drill core record and hydrothermal borehole observatory in basalt 50 years after eruption. Geophys. Res. Lett. 20, EGU 2018-Abstracts, 11324
    Jackson, M. D.; Gudmundsson, M. T.; Bach, W.; Türke, A.; Joergensen, S.; Weissenberger, T. B.; Couper, S.; Lippert, P.; Marteinsson, V. P.; Zimanowski, B. & the SUSTAIN OnSite Team
  • Particle transport in subaqueous eruptions: An experimental investigation. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 349(c(2018, 1)), 298-310.
    Verolino, A.; White, J.D.L. & Zimanowski, B.
  • Surtsey phreatomagmatism, early results of the SUSTAIN ICDP 2017 drilling. Cities on Volcanoes 10, Abstracts, 974
    Gudmunddson, M. T.; Jackson, M.D.; White, J. D. L.; Gorny, C.; Reynolds, H. I.; Sayadi, S.; McPhie, J.; Weissenberger, T. B.; Zimanowski, B.; Rhodes, J. M.; Jónasson, K. & Stefánsson, A.
  • Surtsey revisited: Fragmentation and heattransfer studies in the frame-work of the ICDP project SUSTAIN. 7th Int. Maar Conf., Olot, Spain, Abstracts, OS 1, 46-47
    Zimanowski, B.; Büttner, R. F.; White, J. D. L. & Gudmundsson, M. T.
  • The SUSTAIN 2017 drilling of Surtsey: First results on physical volcanology and island formation. Geophys. Res. Lett. 20, EGU 2018-Abstracts, 12156
    Gudmunddson, M. T.; Jackson, M.D.; White, J. D. L.; Gorny, C.; McPhie, J.; Weissenberger, T. B.; Zimanowski, B.; Rhodes,J. M.; Jónasson, K.; Stefánsson, A. & the SUSTAIN OnSite Team
  • Driving mechanisms for production of ash during the~ 1 km-deep Havre 2012 eruption, Kermadec arc–particles indicate high-rate fracturing and fuel-coolant interactions. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 21)
    Dürig, T.; White, J. D.; Murch, A.; Mele, D.; Spitznagel, N.; Zimanowski, B.; Büttner, R.; Mele, D.; Dellino, P. & Carey, R. J.
  • Induced Fuel Coolant Interaction-making ash from viscous magma and seawater in the 2012 Havre eruption. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2019, pp. V53B-04)
    White, J. D.; Dürig, T.; Murch, A. P.; Zimanowski, B.; Büttner, R.; Mele, D.; Dellino, P. & Carey, R.
  • SUSTAIN drilling at Surtsey volcano, Iceland, tracks hydrothermal and microbiological interactions in basalt 50 years after eruption. Scientific Drilling, 25(c(2019, 6, 12)), 35-46.
    Jackson, Marie D.; Gudmundsson, Magnús T.; Weisenberger, Tobias B.; Rhodes, J. Michael; Stefánsson, Andri; Kleine, Barbara I.; Lippert, Peter C.; Marquardt, Joshua M.; Reynolds, Hannah I.; Kück, Jochem; Marteinsson, Viggó T.; Vannier, Pauline; Bach, Wolfgang; Barich, Amel; Bergsten, Pauline; Bryce, Julia G.; Cappelletti, Piergiulio; Couper, Samantha; Fahnestock, M. Florencia; ... & Zimanowski, Bernd
  • Deep-sea eruptions boosted by induced fuel–coolant explosions. Nature Geoscience, 13(7), 498-503.
    Dürig, T.; White, J. D. L.; Murch, A. P.; Zimanowski, B.; Büttner, R.; Mele, D.; Dellino, P.; Carey, R. J.; Schmidt, L. S. & Spitznagel, N.
  • Deep-sea fragmentation style of Havre revealed by dendrogrammatic analyses of particle morphometry. Bulletin of Volcanology, 82(10).
    Dürig, T.; White, J. D. L.; Zimanowski, B.; Büttner, R.; Murch, A. & Carey, R. J.
  • Controls on andesitic glaciovolcanism at ice-capped volcanoes from field and experimental studies. Geology, 49(9), 1069-1073.
    Cole, R.P.; White, J.D.L.; Dürig, T.; Büttner, R.; Zimanowski, B.; Bowman, M.H.; Conway, C.E.; Leonard, G.S.; Pure, L.R. & Townsend, D.B.


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