Projekt Druckansicht

Verbesserung interaktiven Lernens von Mensch und Maschine zur Überwindung der Unfähigkeit eine Gehirn-Computer Schnittstelle zu steuern

Fachliche Zuordnung Sicherheit und Verlässlichkeit, Betriebs-, Kommunikations- und verteilte Systeme
Förderung Förderung von 2007 bis 2015
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 33832556
Erstellungsjahr 2016

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

This project Vital­BCI2 is a follow­up of the project Vital­BCI1. The goal of the whole Vital­BCI endeavor was to improve the co­adaptive learning process of user and BCI system in order to improve the efficiency of BCI control, in particular to allow a larger population of users an efficient BCI control. Furthermore, we aimed at defining predictors of BCI control. The predecessor project Vital­BCI1 elucidated some prominent problems, that prevented a number of potential BCI users to gain control. Moreover, we determined a neurophysiological predictor and two psychological predictors that allow, already before the start of a BCI session, to estimate the accuracy of BCI control. Rather than only seeing these predictors as a value of their own, these were taken as a starting point to better understand the problem of BCI inefficiency, and to devise countermeasures. Accordingly, the follow­up Vital­BCI2 was mainly concerned with deepening and exploiting the knowledge about predictors of BCI performance and, moreover, with the development of adaptive methods for EEG signal processing and classification to foster a co­adaptive calibration approach in which BCI systems and their users are evolving in mutual interaction. Our first aim of this follow­up project was to validate the correlation between the ​neurophysiological predictor found in the predecessor project Vital­BCI1 and BCI performances on a new large pool of participants. We found a significant positive correlation of 0.53 (​p<0.01), which rose to 0.66 after outlier rejection, confirming the results of the previous study. Importantly, our results show in addition that the proposed model can be transferred between two SMR­BCI studies that employ different designs. Indeed, the BCI performances of new participants could ​be predicted with high significant correlation (​p<0.01) by the prediction model derived from the previous dataset and with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 16%. The replication of the neurophysiological predictor is a major achievement of the project, since the participants tested were different and also the BCI procedure changed with the introduction of the co­adaptive calibration approach. These results consolidate the validity of the developed prediction model across different participants and experimental protocols. Our second aim was to find out whether the ​psychological predictors that we found in the predecessor project to correlate with BCI performance (concentration / relaxation and visuomotor coordination) can also be used as an active intervention ​to improve BCI performance. Visuomotor coordination performance, the ability to concentrate and the resting state µ­peak together explained about 64% of the variance of SMR BCI performance in a large sample of N=40 healthy participants, whereby the contribution of the psychological factors was around 25%. In this study subjects participated in only one session and the respective machine learning approach from the Berlin Brain Computer Interface (BBCI) was applied. We argued that psychological factors may play a more important role when true neurofeedback learning is required. Thus, a study was conducted in which no machine learning was added and subjects were required to regulate the SMR amplitude within 3 sessions. The predictor model for visuomotor coordination determined by Hammer and colleagues (2012) again explained about 12% of the variance in a group of N=33 healthy participants. Thus, in the follow­up studies we addressed specifically the visuomotor coordination ability and concentration whereby the latter was only indirectly targeted via manipulating the relaxation level. We assumed that participants who are more relaxed would be able to better concentrate on the task. For the analysis of the psychological predictors we had to analyse the Berlin and Würzburg groups separately and, however, results could not fully consolidate the two predictors of SMR BCI performance. Complementary to the main thread that is devoted to improve BCI systems that rely on the voluntary modulation of sensorimotor rhythms (SMR), we explored a different category of BCIs ­ based on event­related potentials (ERPs). This parallel endeavor was motivated by the hypothesis that it might not be possible, even with advanced machine learning (ML) methods, to decrease the BCI inefficiency in SMR­BCIs to a non­negligible factor, whereas ERP­based BCIs were expected to have a much larger applicability in the population. Still, a limiting factor of ERP­based BCIs in their applicability to patients was that these systems had experimental paradigms that are effective only under the condition of relatively good oculomotor control, which is not necessarily available in the target user group of, e.g., ALS patients. For this reason we complemented the effort to develop gaze­​independent ERP spellers. Finally, we have developed a number of methods for adapting the BCI system to the user, which are integrated in our multi­level approach to co­adaptive calibration. This methodology was used in the large scale study, which is at the core of this project. In parallel to that study, we conducted a series of smaller studies which explored further developments in the coadaptive approach. Moreover, we explored novel techniques of machine learning in order to make the BCI classification process more robust.



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