Aufklärung von Mechanismen der kälteinduzierten chemo-elektrischen systemischen Signalleitung und der Integration des Two Pore Channel 1 im Signalnetzwerk
Professor Dr. Edgar Peiter
Fachliche Zuordnung
Biochemie und Biophysik der Pflanzen
Förderung von 2017 bis 2024
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 327830483
Plants that face a localized stress or attack may launch responses in unaffected plant parts, which braces the whole plant for the anticipated problem. A signalling system to rapidly convey this information within the plant involves calcium (Ca2+), reactive oxygen species (ROS), and electrical potential waves. Albeit it is becoming apparent that this rapid "chemo-electric systemic signalling" (CHESS) is pivotal to integrate whole-plant responses, its mechanistic basis is poorly understood. The overarching objective of this proposal package is therefore to decipher general and stimulus-specific mechanisms of rapid systemic signalling. Within this framework, this project focuses on (1) the characterization of cold-triggered systemic Ca2+ signals and the identification of genes involved in their generation, (2) the determination of systemic Ca2+ signatures that may encode stimulus-specific information, and (3) the elucidation how the vacuolar Two Pore Channel 1, a key player in systemic Ca2+ signalling, is integrated in this signalling network. A combination of forward and reverse genetic approaches will be employed to identify and characterize key players in the generation, transmission, and decoding of rapid chemo-electric signals. The close interaction of groups focussing on electric, ROS, and Ca2+ signalling, as well as those working on downstream responses, will allow to build a conceptual framework of rapid signalling processes in plants. Furthermore, the translation of this knowledge into the improvement of cereal crops will be initiated in this project.
Internationaler Bezug
Department of Biotechnology (DBT)
Ministry of Science and Technology
Ministry of Science and Technology
Kooperationspartnerinnen / Kooperationspartner
Professor Dr. Shree Prakash Pandey; Dr. Jyothilakshmi Vadassery; Dr. Radhika Venkatesan