Agent prominence and the diachrony of predication in Indo-Aryan (B03)

Subject Area Applied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics
Term from 2017 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 281511265

Project Description

We will study the role of agent prominence in the initial phase of the development of Old Indicparticipial forms into main clause nuclei. We will trace both present active participles and resultativeta-forms in their development from a very ¿nouny¿ functional range into full-fledged main clausepredicators. Our study will involve data collection and annotation according to selected semantic andsyntactic criteria targeted at the interplay of verb semantics (stative or (dynamic) event-encoding) andthe role of A- and O-arguments.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres
Subproject of SFB 1252:  Prominence in Language
Applicant Institution Universität zu Köln
Project Heads Professor Dr. Gerrit J. Dimmendaal; Professorin Dr. Uta Reinöhl