Projekt Druckansicht


Fachliche Zuordnung Neurowissenschaften
Förderung Förderung in 2017
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 324324095
Erstellungsjahr 2024

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

In the last four decades, cognitive neuroscience has developed as an important research field that has greatly influenced psychological theory building, including the understanding of clinical phenomena. However, in Munich we encountered a severe bottleneck in that there was no dedicated scanner available for contemporary human neuroscience research, while on the other hand there was excellent expertise in the area of "alternative imaging methods" (such as EEG, TMS, or clinical neuropsycholo-gy), including expert knowledge in multivariate, neuroimaging-based analysis methods as well as optimally-structured and supervised training for future neuroscientists (offered, e.g., by GSN-LMU or IMPRS). With the new MRI scanner, we were able to fill this infrastructural gap by setting up a new, integrative, interdisciplinary, and multi-modal Neuroimaging Core Unit Munich (NICUM; (, which besides f/MRI provides opportunities for behavioral, eye track-ing and EEG recordings. Worth mentioning is that the new MRI scanner did not only quantitatively extend the existing neuroscientific techniques, but also led to qualitative-ly new technical and analytical platforms for simultaneous MRI and EEG and simulta-neous MRI and TMS/tES recordings. This was paralleled by attempts to establish research-oriented teaching (e.g., in the M.Sc. In "Neuro-Cognitive Psychology"; to provide students with lectures and courses that are targeted to neuroimaging research. Further, successful attempts have been made to the buildup of cooperative research activities, such as "Precision in Mental Health" that is supported by the newly established German Center for Mental Health ( In addition to the establishment of multimodal imaging, the strengthening of inter-/national collaborations, and research-oriented teaching, the focus of the work carried out within psychology was on the establishment of functional MRI: implementing central paradigms of experimental psychology in the scanner, such as visual search, conflict tasks, reproduction tasks, or recognition tasks, in order to generate new knowledge on the neural mechanisms of attention or social/emotional cognition, while also using new representation-based approaches to address psycho-therapy success. In psychiatry, approaches have been made as regards measuring structural MRI (success-)measures in sports-based therapy in schizophrenia; estab-lishing combined MRI and TMS and MRI and tES; the investigation of inflammatory processes and associated structural brain changes in neurodegenerative (Alzheimer's) diseases; the detection (and thus confirmation of the severity/ importance) of structur-al brain changes in so-called "soft neurological abnormalities" in adolescent partici-pants/ patients. Progress has also been made in the identification of cross-diagnosis and diagnosis-specific biomarker-informed subgroups of patients.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Neurominer [Computer software]. Github
    Koutsouleris, Vetter & Wiegand
  • Cognitive and functional deficits are associated with white matter abnormalities in two independent cohorts of patients with schizophrenia. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 272(6), 957-969.
    Yamada, Shinichi; Takahashi, Shun; Malchow, Berend; Papazova, Irina; Stöcklein, Sophia; Ertl-Wagner, Birgit; Papazov, Boris; Kumpf, Ulrike; Wobrock, Thomas; Keller-Varady, Katriona; Hasan, Alkomiet; Falkai, Peter; Wagner, Elias; Raabe, Florian J. & Keeser, Daniel
  • NAMNIs: Neuromodulation And Multimodal NeuroImaging software. zenodo 2021
    Karali, T; Padberg, F; Kirsch, V; Stoecklein, S; Falkai, P & Keeser, D
  • Statistical Learning of Frequent Distractor Locations in Visual Search Involves Regional Signal Suppression in Early Visual Cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 32(13), 2729-2744.
    Zhang, Bei; Weidner, Ralph; Allenmark, Fredrik; Bertleff, Sabine; Fink, Gereon R; Shi, Zhuanghua & Müller, Hermann J
  • A checklist for assessing the methodological quality of concurrent tES-fMRI studies ontES checklist): a consensus study and statement. Nature Protocols, 17(3), 596-617.
    Ekhtiari, Hamed; Ghobadi-Azbari, Peyman; Thielscher, Axel; Antal, Andrea; Li, Lucia M.; Shereen, A. Duke; Cabral-Calderin, Yuranny; Keeser, Daniel; Bergmann, Til Ole; Jamil, Asif; Violante, Ines R.; Almeida, Jorge; Meinzer, Marcus; Siebner, Hartwig R.; Woods, Adam J.; Stagg, Charlotte J.; Abend, Rany; Antonenko, Daria; Auer, Tibor; ... & Bikson, Marom
  • Association between aerobic fitness and the functional connectome in patients with schizophrenia. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 272(7), 1253-1272.
    Roell, Lukas; Maurus, Isabel; Keeser, Daniel; Karali, Temmuz; Papazov, Boris; Hasan, Alkomiet; Schmitt, Andrea; Papazova, Irina; Lembeck, Moritz; Hirjak, Dusan; Sykorova, Eliska; Thieme, Cristina E.; Muenz, Susanne; Seitz, Valentina; Greska, David; Campana, Mattia; Wagner, Elias; Loehrs, Lisa; Stoecklein, Sophia; ... & Falkai, Peter
  • Associations between aerobic fitness, negative symptoms, cognitive deficits and brain structure in schizophrenia—a cross-sectional study. Schizophrenia, 8(1).
    Maurus, Isabel; Röll, Lukas; Keeser, Daniel; Karali, Temmuz; Papazov, Boris; Hasan, Alkomiet; Schmitt, Andrea; Papazova, Irina; Lembeck, Moritz; Hirjak, Dusan; Thieme, Cristina E.; Sykorova, Eliska; Münz, Susanne; Seitz, Valentina; Greska, David; Campana, Mattia; Wagner, Elias; Löhrs, Lisa; Pömsl, Johannes; ... & Falkai, Peter
  • Behavioral and neurophysiological correlates of emotional face processing in borderline personality disorder: are there differences between men and women?. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 272(8), 1583-1594.
    Andermann, Martin; Izurieta Hidalgo, Natalie A.; Rupp, André; Schmahl, Christian; Herpertz, Sabine C. & Bertsch, Katja
  • Biobanking in everyday clinical practice in psychiatry—The Munich Mental Health Biobank. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13(2022, 7, 22).
    Kalman, Janos L.; Burkhardt, Gerrit; Adorjan, Kristina; Barton, Barbara B.; De Jonge, Sylvia; Eser-Valeri, Daniela; Falter-Wagner, Christine M.; Heilbronner, Urs; Jobst, Andrea; Keeser, Daniel; Koenig, Christian; Koller, Gabi; Koutsouleris, Nikolaos; Kurz, Carolin; Landgraf, Dominic; Merz, Katharina; Musil, Richard; Nelson, Afton M.; Padberg, Frank; ... & Schulte, Eva Christina
  • Concept of the Munich/Augsburg Consortium Precision in Mental Health for the German Center of Mental Health. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13(2022, 3, 4).
    Falkai, Peter; Koutsouleris, Nikolaos; Bertsch, Katja; Bialas, Mirko; Binder, Elisabeth; Bühner, Markus; Buyx, Alena; Cai, Na; Cappello, Silvia; Ehring, Thomas; Gensichen, Jochen; Hamann, Johannes; Hasan, Alkomiet; Henningsen, Peter; Leucht, Stefan; Möhrmann, Karl Heinz; Nagelstutz, Elisabeth; Padberg, Frank; Peters, Annette; ... & Priller, Josef
  • Concurrent TMS-fMRI: Technical Challenges, Developments, and Overview of Previous Studies. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13(2022, 4, 21).
    Mizutani-Tiebel, Yuki; Tik, Martin; Chang, Kai-Yen; Padberg, Frank; Soldini, Aldo; Wilkinson, Zane; Voon, Cui Ci; Bulubas, Lucia; Windischberger, Christian & Keeser, Daniel
  • Differences in electric field strength between clinical and non-clinical populations induced by prefrontal tDCS: A cross-diagnostic, individual MRI-based modeling study. NeuroImage: Clinical, 34(2022), 103011.
    Mizutani-Tiebel, Yuki; Takahashi, Shun; Karali, Temmuz; Mezger, Eva; Bulubas, Lucia; Papazova, Irina; Dechantsreiter, Esther; Stoecklein, Sophia; Papazov, Boris; Thielscher, Axel; Padberg, Frank & Keeser, Daniel
  • Fitness is positively associated with hippocampal formation subfield volumes in schizophrenia: a multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging study. Translational Psychiatry, 12(1).
    Maurus, Isabel; Roell, Lukas; Keeser, Daniel; Papazov, Boris; Papazova, Irina; Lembeck, Moritz; Roeh, Astrid; Wagner, Elias; Hirjak, Dusan; Malchow, Berend; Ertl-Wagner, Birgit; Stoecklein, Sophia; Hasan, Alkomiet; Schmitt, Andrea; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas & Falkai, Peter
  • Function without feeling: neural reactivity and intercommunication during flexible motor adjustments evoked by emotional and neutral stimuli. Cerebral Cortex, 33(10), 6000-6012.
    Kaiser, Jakob; Gentsch, Antje; Rodriguez-Manrique, Daniela & Schütz-Bosbach, Simone
  • Genetic variants associated with longitudinal changes in brain structure across the lifespan. Nature Neuroscience, 25(4), 421-432.
    Brouwer, Rachel M.; Klein, Marieke; Grasby, Katrina L.; Schnack, Hugo G.; Jahanshad, Neda; Teeuw, Jalmar; Thomopoulos, Sophia I.; Sprooten, Emma; Franz, Carol E.; Gogtay, Nitin; Kremen, William S.; Panizzon, Matthew S.; Olde Loohuis, Loes M.; Whelan, Christopher D.; Aghajani, Moji; Alloza, Clara; Alnæs, Dag; Artiges, Eric; Ayesa-Arriola, Rosa; ... & Hulshoff Pol, Hilleke E.
  • Neurological soft signs in adolescents are associated with brain structure. Cerebral Cortex, 33(9), 5547-5556.
    Bonke, Elena M; Bonfert, Michaela V; Hillmann, Stefan M; Seitz-Holland, Johanna; Gaubert, Malo; Wiegand, Tim L T; De Luca, Alberto; Cho, Kang Ik K; Sandmo, Stian B; Yhang, Eukyung; Tripodis, Yorghos; Seer, Caroline; Kaufmann, David; Kaufmann, Elisabeth; Muehlmann, Marc; Gooijers, Jolien; Lin, Alexander P; Leemans, Alexander; Swinnen, Stephan P; ... & Koerte, Inga K
  • The (un)learning of social functions and its significance for mental health. Clinical Psychology Review, 98(2022, 12), 102204.
    Flechsenhar, Aleya; Kanske, Philipp; Krach, Sören; Korn, Christoph & Bertsch, Katja
  • Threat induction biases processing of emotional expressions. Frontiers in Psychology, 13(2022, 11, 24).
    Flechsenhar, Aleya; Levine, Seth & Bertsch, Katja
  • Altered amygdalar emotion space in borderline personality disorder normalizes following dialectical behaviour therapy. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 48(6),E431-E438.
    Levine, Seth M.; Merz, Katharina; Keeser, Daniel; Kunz, Julia I.; Barton, Barbara B.; Reinhard, Matthias A.; Jobst, Andrea; Padberg, Frank; Neukel, Corinne; Herpertz, Sabine C.; Bertsch, Katja & Musil, Richard
  • Contextual cueing of visual search reflects the acquisition of an optimal, one-for-all oculomotor scanning strategy. Communications Psychology, 1(1).
    Seitz, Werner; Zinchenko, Artyom; Müller, Hermann J. & Geyer, Thomas
  • Disturbed Oligodendroglial Maturation Causes Cognitive Dysfunction in Schizophrenia: A New Hypothesis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 49(6), 1614-1624.
    Falkai, Peter; Rossner, Moritz J; Raabe, Florian J; Wagner, Elias; Keeser, Daniel; Maurus, Isabel; Roell, Lukas; Chang, Emily; Seitz-Holland, Johanna; Schulze, Thomas G & Schmitt, Andrea
  • Effects of aerobic exercise on hippocampal formation volume in people with schizophrenia – a systematic review and meta-analysis with original data from a randomized-controlled trial. (2023, 2, 27). Wallstein Verlag.
    Roell, Lukas & Maurus, Isabel
  • Effects of Exercise on Structural and Functional Brain Patterns in Schizophrenia—Data From a Multicenter Randomized-Controlled Study. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 50(1), 145-156.
    Roell, Lukas; Keeser, Daniel; Papazov, Boris; Lembeck, Moritz; Papazova, Irina; Greska, David; Muenz, Susanne; Schneider-Axmann, Thomas; Sykorova, Eliska B; Thieme, Christina E; Vogel, Bob O; Mohnke, Sebastian; Huppertz, Charlotte; Roeh, Astrid; Keller-Varady, Katriona; Malchow, Berend; Stoecklein, Sophia; Ertl-Wagner, Birgit; Henkel, Karsten; ... & Maurus, Isabel
  • Individual regional associations between Aβ-, tau- and neurodegeneration (ATN) with microglial activation in patients with primary and secondary tauopathies. Molecular Psychiatry, 28(10), 4438-4450.
    Finze, Anika; Biechele, Gloria; Rauchmann, Boris-Stephan; Franzmeier, Nicolai; Palleis, Carla; Katzdobler, Sabrina; Weidinger, Endy; Guersel, Selim; Schuster, Sebastian; Harris, Stefanie; Schmitt, Julia; Beyer, Leonie; Gnörich, Johannes; Lindner, Simon; Albert, Nathalie L.; Wetzel, Christian H.; Rupprecht, Rainer; Rominger, Axel; Danek, Adrian; ... & Brendel, Matthias
  • Lifelong experiences as a proxy of cognitive reserve moderate the association between connectivity and cognition in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 122(2023, 2), 33-44.
    Ersoezlue, Ersin; Rauchmann, Boris-Stephan; Schneider-Axmann, Thomas; Wagner, Michael; Ballarini, Tommaso; Tato, Maia; Utecht, Julia; Kurz, Carolin; Papazov, Boris; Guersel, Selim; Burow, Lena; Koller, Gabriele; Stöcklein, Sophia; Keeser, Daniel; Bartels, Claudia; Brosseron, Frederic; Buerger, Katharina; Cetindag, Arda C.; Dechent, Peter; ... & Perneczky, Robert
  • Mission impossible? Spatial context relearning following a target relocation event depends on cue predictiveness. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 31(1), 148-155.
    Geyer, Thomas; Zinchenko, Artyom; Seitz, Werner; Balik, Merve; Müller, Hermann J. & Conci, Markus
  • Neural correlates of aggression in personality disorders from the perspective of DSM-5 maladaptive traits: a systematic review. Translational Psychiatry, 13(1).
    Kolla, Nathan J.; Tully, John & Bertsch, Katja
  • Neural mechanisms of sequential dependence in time perception: The impact of prior task and memory processing. (2023, 5, 7). Wallstein Verlag.
    Cheng (程思), Si; Chen (陈思佚), Siyi; Glasauer, Stefan; Keeser, Daniel & Shi (施壮华), Zhuanghua
  • The multimodal Munich Clinical Deep Phenotyping study to bridge the translational gap in severe mental illness treatment research. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14(2023, 5, 5).
    Krčmář, Lenka; Jäger, Iris; Boudriot, Emanuel; Hanken, Katharina; Gabriel, Vanessa; Melcher, Julian; Klimas, Nicole; Dengl, Fanny; Schmoelz, Susanne; Pingen, Pauline; Campana, Mattia; Moussiopoulou, Joanna; Yakimov, Vladislav; Ioannou, Georgios; Wichert, Sven; DeJonge, Silvia; Zill, Peter; Papazov, Boris; de Almeida, Valéria; ... & Raabe, Florian J.
  • Environmental regularities mitigate attentional misguidance in contextual cueing of visual search.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 50(5), 699-711.
    Zinchenko, Artyom; Conci, Markus; Müller, Hermann J. & Geyer, Thomas


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