Untersuchung des Zusammenhanges zwischen der Funktion pflanzlicher microRNAs und der DNA-Methylierung des PHABULOSA Locus in Arabidopsis thaliana
Professor Dr. Stephan Wenkel
Fachliche Zuordnung
Genetik und Genomik der Pflanzen
Förderung von 2006 bis 2011
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 31968340
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2007) A feedback regulatory module formed by LITTLE ZIPPER and HD-ZIPIII genes. Plant Cell 19, 3379-90
Wenkel S, Emery J, Hou BH, Evans MM, Barton MK
Feedback control of leaf polarity by a family of small leucine zipper proteins. 18th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Beijing, China, 20-23 June 2007
Stephan Wenkel, John Emery, Kathy Barton
Feedback control of leaf polarity by a family of small leucine zipper proteins. 4th tri-national Arabidopsis Meeting, September 12-15, Vienna, Austria, 2007
Stephan Wenkel, John Emery, Kathy Barton
Feedback control of leaf polarity by a family of small leucine zipper proteins. Botanikertagung Hamburg, Germany, September 3-7, 2007
Stephan Wenkel
Feedback control of leaf polarity by a family of small leucine zipper proteins. Western Section ASPB meeting, Davis February 2-3, 2007
Stephan Wenkel, John Emery, Bi-Huei Hu, Khar-Wai Lye, Matthew M.S. Evans and Kathy Barton
Analysis of the LITTLE ZIPPER gene family in Arabidopsis. 19th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Montreal, Canada, 2008
Stephan Wenkel and Kathryn Barton
UnZIPping Leaf polarity. 18. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Gesellschaft für Entwicklungsbiologie, Hannover, Germany, March 25-28, 2009
Stephan Wenkel