Projekt Druckansicht

Funktionelle Analyse des Gerste Gens albostrians und dessen Bedeutung für die Ausbildung von Variegation und die Bildung von Chloroplasten (Akronym: ALBOSTRIANS)

Fachliche Zuordnung Genetik und Genomik der Pflanzen
Pflanzenzüchtung, Pflanzenpathologie
Förderung Förderung von 2016 bis 2021
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 317066570
Erstellungsjahr 2022

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

In this project, we have cloned the albostrians gene HvCMF7 and validated its function by independent mutant analysis. Genetic characterization of the albostrians paralog HvCMF3, as well as Arabidopsis homolog AtCIL, suggesting all homologs retain a conserved function in chloroplast development, however, involved in diverged pathways as indicated by the distinct localization. Last, genetic mapping and genomic-resequencing revealed ATP-dependent Clp protease subunit C1, ClpC1, is a strong candidate gene for barley variegation mutant luteostrians. Altogether, our results pave the way for molecular characterization of HvCMF7/HvClpC1 towards unveiling the mechanism of leaf variegation and a more comprehensive understanding of chloroplast biogenesis.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Genetic characterization of the albostrians barley provides new insights on underlying mechanism of leaf variegation. Plant Science Conference, the Botanikertagung 2017. 17.09 –21.09.2017 Kiel, Germany
    Li, M., Hensel, G., Mascher, M., Melzer, M., Budhagatapalli, N., Rutten, T., Himmelbach, A., Beier, S., Korzun, V., Kumlehn, J., Börner, T., and Stein, N.
  • Heritable mutations induced by RNA-guided Cas9 nuclease to unravel the mechanism of albsotrians-based variegation in barley. 5th Quedlinburger Pflanzenzüchtungstage in combination with 18th Kurt von Rümker Vorträge and the GPZ Meeting of AG Genomanalyse. 01.03 – 03.03.2017. IPK, Gatersleben, Germany
    Li, M.
  • Nucleus encoded CMF genes, HvAs and HvAs-paralog, are essential for chloroplast biogenesis. 30th Conference on Molecular Biology of Plants. 21.02 – 27.022017. Dabringhausen, Germany
    Li, M., Hensel, G., Hiekel, S., Kumlehn, J., Börner, T., and Stein, N.
  • Genetic characterization of the albostrians barley provides new insights on underlying mechanism of leaf variegation. 2nd International Barley Mutant Workshop. 06.25. – 27.06.2018. University of Dundee, Scotland
    Li, M.
  • The CCT motif family protein HvASL is essential for chloroplast shape and morphology in barley. 05.08 – 10.08.2018 12th International Molecular Biology Conference. Montpellier, France
    Li, M., Hensel, G., Melzer, M., Rutten, T., Kumlehn, J., Börner, T., and Stein, N.
  • (2019). Leaf Variegation and Impaired Chloroplast Development Caused by a Truncated CCT Domain Gene in albostrians Barley. Plant Cell 31, 1430-1445
    Li, M., Hensel, G., Mascher, M., Melzer, M., Budhagatapalli, N., Rutten, T., Himmelbach, A., Beier, S., Korzun, V., Kumlehn, J., Börner, T., and Stein, N.
  • CMF Proteins Play an Essential Role in Chloroplast Development and Cause albostrians-type Leaf Variegation in Barley. in Bayliss Seminar (University of Western Australia, 09.09.2019)
    Stein, N.
  • Mutation of the CCT Motif Family Gene HvCMF3 Impairs Chloroplast Development and Thylakoid Architecture in Barley due to Reduced Plastid Translation. IPK Institute Day 2019. 10.10 -11.10.2019. Gatersleben, Germany
    Li, M., Hensel, G., Melzer, M., Junker, A., Tschiersch, H., Arend, D., Kumlehn, J., Börner, T., and Stein, N.
  • The Transcription Factors Chloroplast Import Apparatus 2-Like (CIL) and CIA2 Play Redundant Roles for Plastid Development in Arabidopsis. 33rd Conference on Molecular Biology of Plants. February 11 – 14, 2020. Dabringhausen, Germany
    Li, M., Ruwe, H., Junker, A., Tschiersch, H., Hensel, G., Melzer, M., Kumlehn, J., Börner, T., and Stein, N.
  • (2021) ATP- dependent Clp protease subunit C1, ClpC1, is a strong candidate gene for barley variegation mutant luteostrians as revealed by genetic mapping and genomic re-sequencing. Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 664085
    Li, M., Guo, G., Pidon, H., Melzer, M., Prina, A.R., Börner, T., and Stein, N.
  • (2021) The Arabidopsis AAC Proteins CIL and CIA2 are sub-functionalized paralogs essential in chloroplast development. Frontiers in Plant Science
    Li, M., Ruwe, H., Melzer, M., Junker, A., Hensel, G., Tschiersch, H., Schwenkert, S., Chamas, S., Schmitz-Linneweber, C., Börner, T., and Stein, N.
  • (2021). Mutation of the ALBOSTRIANS Ohnologous Gene HvCMF3 Impairs Chloroplast Development and Thylakoid Architecture in Barley. Frontiers in Plant Science
    Li, M., Hensel, G., Melzer, M., Junker, A., Tschiersch, H., Arend, D., Kumlehn, J., Börner, T., and Stein, N.


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