Project Details
TRR 205: The Adrenal: Central Relay in Health and Disease
Subject Area
Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine
Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine
since 2017
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 314061271
No abstract available
DFG Programme
International Connection
France, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Current projects
- A01 - Regulated cell death in adrenal inflammation and septic shock (Project Heads Bornstein, Stefan R. ; Kanczkowski, Waldemar ; Linkermann, Andreas )
- A02 - The impact of hypoxia pathway proteins on the adrenergic response in the adrenal gland and beyond (Project Heads Chavakis, Triantafyllos ; El-Armouche, Ali ; Wielockx, Ph.D., Ben )
- A04 - In vitro and in vivo models of novel therapeutic approaches in congenital adrenal hyperplasia (Project Heads Hübner, Ph.D., Angela ; Köhler, Katrin ; Reisch, Nicole )
- A05 - Biological treatment of adrenal insufficiency by encapsulated xenogeneic adrenal cells (Project Heads Bornstein, Stefan R. ; Ludwig, Barbara )
- A06 - Adrenal stem cells under homeostatic and stress conditions (Project Heads Andoniadou, Ph.D., Cynthia L. ; Bornstein, Stefan R. ; Schedl, Andreas ; Steenblock, Charlotte )
- A07 - Immunometabolic regulation of adrenal glucocorticoid production and peripheral glucocorticoid signalling (Project Heads Alexaki, Vasileia Ismini ; Eaton, Suzanne ; Henneicke, Ph.D., Holger )
- A08 - Adrenal gland – crossroads of stress response – epigenetic, transcriptional, and metabolic analyses (Project Heads Chen, Alon ; Riester, Anna ; Sbiera, Ph.D., Silviu )
- A09 - Sexual dimorphism of adrenal hormone action in metabolic tissues (Project Heads Herzig, Stephan ; Uhlenhaut, Nina Henriette )
- B10 - Targeting radio- and chemo-resistance in metastatic phaeochromocytoma/ paraganglioma (Project Heads Pietzsch, Jens ; Richter, Ph.D., Susan ; Ziegler, Ph.D., Christian G. )
- B11 - The molecular pathology of PPGLs and genetically-driven molecular-targeted therapies: Towards precision medicine (Project Heads Nölting, Svenja ; Pellegata, Natalia S. )
- B12 - HIF-MYC/MAX pathway in neural-crest derived catecholamine producing tumours: Identification of a metabolic fingerprint related to tumour aggressiveness (Project Heads Bechmann, Nicole ; Eisenhofer, Ph.D., Graeme ; Klink, Barbara ; Lenders, Ph.D., Jacques W.M. )
- B13 - Genetic and environmental contributors to vascular function in primary aldosteronism (Project Heads Fuß, Carmina Teresa ; Hahner, Stefanie ; Reincke, Martin ; Schirbel, Andreas )
- B14 - Identification and functional characterisation of genetic contributors to primary aldosteronism (Project Heads Beuschlein, Felix ; Gudermann, Thomas ; Reincke, Martin ; Schneider, Holger )
- B15 - Pathophysiology and advanced approaches for subtyping in primary aldosteronism (Project Heads Eisenhofer, Ph.D., Graeme ; Lenders, Ph.D., Jacques W.M. ; Williams, Ph.D., Tracy Ann )
- B16 - Steroid hormones and cancer immunity – learning from adrenocortical carcinoma (Project Heads Fassnacht, Martin ; Kroiß, Ph.D., Matthias )
- B17 - Molecular pathology and treatment of Cushing’s disease (Project Heads Reincke, Martin ; Theodoropoulou, Marily )
- B19 - The physiology and pathophysiology of aldosterone production in the pig (Project Heads Kemter, Elisabeth Gabriele ; Williams, Ph.D., Tracy Ann ; Wolf, Eckhard )
- B20 - Targeting ferroptosis in adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC): from basic mechanisms to novel treatments (Project Heads Friedmann Angeli, José Pedro ; Kroiß, Ph.D., Matthias ; Weigand, Isabel )
- INF - Infrastructure for adrenal research (Project Heads Beuschlein, Felix ; Eisenhofer, Ph.D., Graeme ; Fassnacht, Martin ; Müller-Pfefferkorn, Ralph ; Reisch, Nicole )
- S01 - Analytical platform (Project Heads Alves, Tiago ; Bidlingmaier, Martin ; Kurlbaum, Max ; Peitzsch, Mirko ; Walch, Axel Karl )
- S02 - Patient cohorts and biobanks (Project Heads Eisenhofer, Ph.D., Graeme ; Fassnacht, Martin ; Pamporaki, Ph.D., Christina ; Reincke, Martin )
- Z01 - Central Task (Project Head Bornstein, Stefan R. )
Completed projects
Applicant Institution
Technische Universität Dresden
Co-Applicant Institution
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg; Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Professor Dr. Stefan R. Bornstein