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Computational multiscale methods for turbulent combustion in complex geometries

Subject Area Energy Process Engineering
Term from 2006 to 2014
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 31211875
The present research project aims at the development of new computational methods suitable for the numerical simulation of turbulent combustion in complex geometries. For this purpose, multiscale methods, in particular the variational multiscale method, which has already proven its excellent ability to simulate turbulent cold flows in the form of a large eddy simulation (LES), will be extended to turbulent combustion for the first time. Turbulent premixed combustion, where LES appears to be particularly promising, is intended to be the regime initially considered. Later on, the scope will be widened, taking into account partially--premixed combustion as well, which occurs in many practical devices, such as, for example, gas turbines and internal combustion engines. The need for accurate and robust numerical algorithms for combustion LES, in particularwithin complex geometries, has been emphatically pointed out in recent state of the art review articles. In general, only few applications of LES to turbulent combustion in complex geometries have been reported so far.The intended project is subdivided into four subprojects.Within the first subproject, it is intended to develop accurate and efficient computational algorithms based on the variational multiscale concept. All these algorithms will be implemented on the basis of a Galerkin finite element method, representing a numerical method particularly suitable for complex geometries. In the second subproject, the G-equation concept, a popular approach to premixed turbulent combustion, will be consistently integrated in the general computational concept. An alternative approach which particularly aims at the resolution of the flame via multiscale approaches will be the subject of the third subproject. In the fourth subproject, first steps towards partially-premixed combustion are intended to be taken.
DFG Programme Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups

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