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Coordination Funds

Subject Area Theoretical Philosophy
Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields
Sociological Theory
History of Science
Term from 2016 to 2025
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 234743567
The Research Unit builds on the expectations today’s high energy physicists have of a fundamental change in their theories and epistemic practices. It asks for the deeper reasons behind these expectations and links them to the complex conditions of large-scale physical research. It regards the complexity of these conditions as a challenge for the quest towards ever more encompassing and simpler descriptions of nature that has traditionally been associated with particle physics. The Research Unit studies the theories, the epistemic practices, social conditions, and historical dynamics of contemporary elementary particle physics and its central experiment, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), in a consistently interdisciplinary fashion. In Phase 2 (2019-2022), we will continue and, based on the experiences of Phase 1, develop further the six subprojects and the collaborative structures established so far. The projects fall into two clusters. Cluster A, focusing on change in the theoretical foundations of particle physics, will consist of three projects: the history of the concept of virtual particles (A1); problems of hierarchy, fine-tuning, and naturalness (A2); and the relation between the LHC and gravitational interactions (A3). Cluster B will focus on the complex practice of particle physics and likewise contain three projects: the impact of computer simulations and machine learning on the epistemic status of LHC data (B1); the role of models and the dynamics of model building (B2); and the conditions of producing novelty and securing credibility from the perspective of social studies of science (B3). The two spokespersons will be located at the University of Wuppertal. The principal investigators are located at six universities. Project B3 is submitted to the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).All projects are led by one physicist and (at least) one scholar from philosophy, history, or the social studies of science. During Phase 1 of its operation, this interdisciplinarity has allowed the Research Unit to make significant progress in executing its research agenda and gain visibility, not only within the humanities and social sciences, but also within the particle physics community. Alongside the work of the individual projects and several collaborative structures, among them cross-sectional work packages, two scientific events are planned for the second three-year period: a further international conference and another international spring school on particle physics and philosophy.
DFG Programme Research Units

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