Project Details
Scientific Information Services for Classical Studies - Propylaeum
Dr. Jochen Apel; Dr. Klaus Ceynowa
Subject Area
Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Ancient History
Greek and Latin Philology
Classical, Roman, Christian and Islamic Archaeology
Prehistory and World Archaeology
Ancient History
Greek and Latin Philology
Classical, Roman, Christian and Islamic Archaeology
Prehistory and World Archaeology
since 2016
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 284352465
In recent funding periods, the Specialised Information Service (FID) for Ancient Studies - Propylaeum has continuously developed into an efficient and reliable information infrastructure and service facility with high relevance for the Ancient Studies community, whose service portfolio is to be further consolidated and optimised during the fourth funding period. The focus here is on combining the key factors collection, reference and access through digital services with the most direct access possible to the required literature and sources. In addition, the FID promotes and supports digital research and publication practice through community-oriented support services. Propylaeum thus makes an active contribution to open science by offering publication solutions. The data space for Ancient Studies, which has been created and is to be further expanded, will ultimately connect and provide full texts and research data, bibliographic metadata, thesauri and standardized data for research and will unfold its full effect via implemented API in external data pools, for example in the data spaces of the NFDI. All services, which are centrally accessible via the Propylaeum portal and are unique in their form throughout Germany, supplement the local basic supply in the disciplines and thus create optimal and sustainably secured conditions for the entire Ancient Studies research cycle. Following the development work of three successful funding periods, in the fourth funding phase the FID will concentrate on the systematic consolidation and optimisation of the value-added services developed in the previous project phases in accordance with the special need of Ancient Studies. In all activities, the specific needs of the researchers and the current lines of development in the specialist disciplines are decisive for the customised design of the services. In fulfilling these tasks, the FID is in close contact and interaction with the scientific community, the overall FID system and other information infrastructures, such as the NFDI or the Competence Center for the Licensing of Electronic Resources (KfL). On the basis of the consolidation process agreed with the Scientific Advisory Board, the FID is working on five core tasks in its fourth funding phase, each of which contains sustainable services that are required by the specialist communities and are unique in Germany: 1. needs-based collection development and supra-regional provision, 2. provision of services for open access publications, 3. operation of a high-performance information and research infrastructure for Ancient Studies, 4. further development of the data space for Ancient Studies, 5. activities for networking, scientific communication and knowledge transfer as well as contribution to the overall FID system.
DFG Programme
Acquisition and Provision (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)