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Housing our Selves: An Ethnography of Active Inhabitation

Applicant Dr. Martin Fuller
Subject Area Sociological Theory
Term from 2015 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 283678090
Final Report Year 2020

Final Report Abstract

This research project has shed light on some empirically important phenomenon: the under-researched theme of Baugruppen, housing development more generally and urban planning in a European capital. It explores ideas of participatory architecture, home and develops some new insights for a sociology of architecture. However, beyond the empirical, it draws deeply and contributes to social theory ideas about process and the nature of how stability is achieved amidst the complexities of social life. The main findings are oriented towards developing a programme of housing as activity. The work contributes to sociological literature on home, housing, architecture, space, planning and social theory. Thus far, publications have focussed on planning, space and urban design, with a monograph still being prepared. The empirical case studies changed from my initial plan, but the end result is, in my view, richer than the originally conceived project.



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