Induzierte Asymmetrien im exzidierten Kehlkopfmodell: Einfluss von Mukuseigenschaften auf Bewegung und Akustik
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
This project contributed to fill the knowledge gap on the influence of mucus on phonation. The following scientific achievements can be reported: (1) The viscoelasticity of physiologic human laryngeal mucus was determined successfully by PTM and OSR. This enabled the (2) development of synthetic mucus with physiologic viscoelasticity for voice research. (3) The expansion of our automated ex vivo experimental setup, developed in the previous phase of this project, by a method for reproducible synthetic mucus application, enabled to investigate mucus as bounday layer between airflow and oscillating vocal fold tissue. Finally, (4) the performance of ex vivo oscillation experiments to investigate the influence of mucus viscoelasticity, led to the assumption that phonation is robust against the physiologic viscoelastic range of the developed synthetic mucus. In next steps, we want to continue our promising research on the impact of mucus on phonation and focus on pathologic mucus conditions of patients which suffer of diseases that alter mucus viscoelasticity, i.e. asthma, COPD and carcinomas of the vocal folds. On the basis of rheological investigations on pathologic mucus, we will adapt the viscoelasticity of our synthetic mucus to pathologic conditions and quantify its influence on phonation by ex vivo oscillation experiments. This will bring us closer to the final goal of development of therapeutical strategies and pharmaceutical products, e.g. lozenges, sprays, mucus substitutes, for the treatment of mucus dysfunction to influence voice beneficially.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
“Fluid-structure-acoustic interactions in an ex vivo porcine phonation model”. In: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149.3 (2021), pp. 1657–1673
M. Semmler, D. A. Berry, A. Schützenberger, and M. Döllinger
“Herstellung von künstlichem Mukus und Einfluss auf die Phonation in exzidierten Schweinekehlköpfen”. In: Aktuelle phoniatrische-pädaudiologische Aspekte 2021/2022 Band 28 (2021). 37. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der DGPP, Göttingen, Germany
G. Peters, O. Wendler, M. Semmler, S. Kniesburges, D. Böhringer, H. Canziani, B. Jakubaß, S. Dürr, D. A. Berry, and M. Döllinger
“Human Laryngeal Mucus from the Vocal Folds: Rheological Characterization by Particle Tracking Microrheology and Oscillatory Shear Rheology”. In: Applied Sciences 11.7 (2021)
G. Peters, O. Wendler, D. Böhringer, S. K. Gostian A.-O.and Müller, H. Canziani, N. Hesse, M. Semmler, D. A. Berry, S. Kniesburges, W. Peukert, and M. Döllinger
“Viscoelasticity of human laryngeal mucus from the vocal folds”. In: The 14th International Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology, Voice and Speech Research, Bogota, Colombia. 2021
G. Peters, O. Wendler, D. Böhringer, A.-O. Gostian, S. K. Müller, H. Canziani, N. Hesse, M. Semmler, D. A. Berry, S. Kniesburges, W. Peukert, and M. Döllinger
“Development of synthetic mucus with physiological viscoelasticity and its impact on phonation.” PhD thesis. Technische Fakultät, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2022
G. Peters
“Synthetic mucus for an ex vivo phonation experiment”. In: 9th World Congress on Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan. 2022
M. Semmler, G. Peters, B. Jakubaß, S. Kniesburges, D. Böhringer, D. A. Berry, O. Wendler, and M. Döllinger