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The role of specialized ribosomes in stress resistance and healthy aging

Applicant Martin Kos, Ph.D.
Subject Area Biogerontology and Geriatric Medicine
Term from 2016 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 280594475
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

In summary, we have successfully identified differentially modified ribosomes in the senescent and quiescent cells. We could show that snoRNAs responsible for the altered modification are also differentially expressed. In the WP5 we identified about 10,000 rancRNAs associated with ribosomes in human cells and their functional analysis is ongoing. Furthermore, we characterized the effect of the lack of the rRNA methyltransferases NSUN-5, NOL-2 and RRP-8 on the development, growth, behavior and viability of the nematode C. elegans. In addition, we showed that ribosome biogenesis switches between two alternative pathways in both yeast and human, providing a plausible mechanism to produce different ribosomes. The research initiated in this project continues. The work provides a proof of principle that distinct ribosomes are produced in senescent cells. If the currently planned experiments confirm a functional relevance of the modifications for the establishment or maintenance of senescence or quiescence, then the methylation sites we identified here, the relevant snoRNAs and their host genes will represent potential targets for drugs modulating not only the ageing process, but also for treatments of proliferative diseases.



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