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Modelling Photoswitchable Organic-Graphene Hybrids

Subject Area Synthesis and Properties of Functional Materials
Physical Chemistry of Solids and Surfaces, Material Characterisation
Term from 2015 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 279987564
Final Report Year 2022

Final Report Abstract

This project was initially granted in July 2015 as part of an ERA-NET project with the universities of Mons, Strasbourg, and Montpellier. The KIT funding was 36 months E13. While at KIT we were early able to recruit Dr. Velimir Meded to work on this project, recruitment of our principal collaboration partner, the group of Prof. Samori in Strasbourg was delayed to the lack of availability of suitable personnel. Just when Prof. Samori was able to hire a postdoc to work on this project, Dr. Meded was forced to leave KIT, because our request to grant him a permanent position was denied for reasons that I still fail to understand. His work resulted in publications #1 & #2 enumerated below. We subsequently hired sequentially 2 students, Gianni Procida and Emanuela Carrieri, to work on this project but both failed to make sufficient progress towards the goals of the project and the Ph.D. as a whole, so both left the group. Their work is discussed briefly in the report discussed below, but because Prof. Samori had meanwhile published the experimental results this work has not been published to date. In order to continue very promising ongoing work on the subject area of the proposal, we applied for a cost-neutral extension of the project, which was granted by the EU and the DFG. The work performed in the extension period, which resulted in publications #3 to #8, is discussed in detail below. Overall, the 36 PM of postdoc funding resulted in 7 internationally visible journals, including 1 publication in ACS Nano and 1 publication in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2 publications in Advanced Materials, and 2 in Angew. Chemie. Intl. Edition in which this project provided modeling and simulation.



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