SPP 1921:
Intentional Forgetting
Subject Area
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
from 2016 to 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 273893956
The SPP 1921 pursues the approach and the aspiration to harness a successful principle of "forgetting" in humans for socio-digital systems of the organization. Over the entire six-year period, SPP 1921 has set itself the goals of harnessing the mechanisms of human forgetting processes for a technical-organizational context. In the second funding phase of the SPP, the results achieved in the first funding phase are to be transferred to the application context of the factory and the administration. In this sense, the focus of the co-ordination project is increasingly directed towards public relations and the presentation of results for those interested in the field.Based on the results of the internal evaluation, the offers in the context of equal opportunity as well as for the doctoral candidates will be extended by offers for experienced junior scientists in addition to offers for newcomers thematically and differentiated according to soft skills and science skills. In the tandem workshops, the developed exhibits and the discussion with practitioners, e.g. in the context of participation in the Hannover Messe, are posed in the center.In addition, a content-related and theoretical integration will take place in a “Z project”. The aim of the content and methodological linkage in the Z project is to develop, complete and use a scientifically sound and practice-oriented framework for procedures and management, methods and descriptive techniques as well as tools, and to make them usable across disciplines. Through the more detailed analysis of the use of individual terms and approaches in tandem projects, principles of order or facets can be gained that represent clearly defined areas of research and application. Parallel to the contextual linking, the methodical exchange between the tandem projects is to be systematized. From a classification system, a meta-model should also be generalized, which allows the principles of order, the classification and the connection of the individual approaches.Through the meta-model, practical and domain-related aspects of the second funding phase can be systematically integrated into the system of order. Newly funded projects will be integrated under extension of the system of order. The following areas should be examined in more detail: a) Technical approaches under the topic "Forgetting Analytics", b) Psychological approaches under the topic "Directed and Motivated Forgetting", c) Organizational and management theoretical approaches under the topic "Managing forgetting", d) Design approaches under the topic "Modeling forgetting". The meta-model developed here makes it possible to link the individual practice-related areas with one another and to make them usable in practice in a process model. Specifically, this allows domain-specific standard models, e.g. derive a model for forgetting in manufacturing companies or for forgetting in administrations.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
Adaptive forgetting by emergent knowledge structures in socio-technical systems
Antoni, Conny Herbert
Ellwart, Thomas
Timm, Ingo J.
COFFEE – Collaborative Forgetting for Engineering Design
Staab, Steffen
Wartzack, Sandro
Coordination Funds
Kluge, Annette
Cyber-physical Forgetting in socio-digital Systems
Gronau, Norbert
Kluge, Annette
Forgetting confidently: Determinants and consequences of trustful usage of information systems in organizations
Becker, Jörg
Hertel, Guido
Intentional Forgetting and Changes in Work Processes: A Process-Conditional Approach in the Administrative and IT Context
Beierle, Christoph
Kern-Isberner, Gabriele
Ragni, Marco
Intentional Forgetting of Everyday Work Behavior - Assessment, Formalization, and Integration into Interactive Systems
Sonnentag, Sabine
Weyers, Benjamin
Intentional forgetting through cognitive-computational methods of priorization, knowledge compression and contraction
Beierle, Christoph
Kern-Isberner, Gabriele
Ragni, Marco
Internal and external intentional forgetting: Empirical studies and prototypical realization of an assistance system for the forgetting of digital information
Niessen, Cornelia
Schmid, Ute
Learning to Delete: Forgetting of Digital Objects as Collaborative Task of Human and AI
Niessen, Cornelia
Schmid, Ute
Sustaining Grass-roots Organizational Memories: Methods and Effects of Applying Managed Forgetting in Administrative Corporate Scenarios
Dengel, Andreas
Frings, Christian
Niederee, Claudia
Tempel, Tobias